During Riot Kid Offers Officer a Water Bottle | Teen Ink

During Riot Kid Offers Officer a Water Bottle

October 11, 2015
By ..E.. GOLD, Marietta, Georgia
..E.. GOLD, Marietta, Georgia
19 articles 0 photos 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
"everything you do is insignificant, but it is important that you do them"

This picture is worth a thousand words. This kid is not incognizant of what is happening around him, of why the police are there, or of why the riots are taking place. Do you not see this young child?  If you look at his face and stare into his eyes, is not his gesture genuine? Our African American men and boys are not raised pro-violence. They are raised to  kill with kindness, to lead and persevere through difficult circumstances, to become great, respectable men.  They are raised to do the right thing. Now, this young man, He refuses to let the reason of police presence burn inside of him as anger, on the latter he recognizes that they are people too, that they too have needs just as we. I've always wondered about the golden rule,"treat others the way you want to be treated," and how that leads people to respond nefariously when nefarious actions are brought to the table. This young man showed us that you do not  have to "get them back" for all the wrong, but rather to fight -not with bullets, guns, and broken glass or hoses, bulldogs, clubs, and tear gas, but with words and kind acts-- for the right and protect the right that is already here. This nation was raised on white supremacy but is built on the blood, sweat, and tears of blacks, Asians, Hispanics and Latinos, and Muslims. Yet when we give you water, you give us graves. Circumcise your eyes from seeing the differences that have divided this nation for over 400 years. You want us to sing that we live in land of the free, but the question arises: are we free? It is said "love your neighbor as you love yourself": I am black. When you look at me, do you see me on the same playing field? Do you love me? Can you look at me and tell me that I have same opportunities to live as said in the Star-Spangle Banner?

But please,Officer, take this bottle of water. Maybe you will see us as you see yourself. 

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