Actions Over Words | Teen Ink

Actions Over Words

October 6, 2015
By Bears20 BRONZE, Elgin, Texas
Bears20 BRONZE, Elgin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
~Little piece of heaven with a wild side~

I stood in the locker room pissed waiting for the lunch bell. As soon as it rang I stormed into the hallway looking for my cousin. My friend followed quickly behind to stop any fighting sure to occur. When I finally found my cousin all I could say was " I'm done with you!" She'd gone behind my back once again and messed everything up once again. It's because of this I believe that actions are more important than words because you can't trust someone's words and people's actions show who they really are.


Although many people believe what others say I don't. It's hard to gain trust. I don't tell people my secrets out of fear that people will spread them. For example I remember when I told my friend that I didn't like our new classmate and the next day that student was at my throat trying to fight me.

Another thing is that a persons actions define them. Hypocrite, a person who says one thing but does the complete opposite. You don't want to be a fake especially in high school. Say you told someone who you thought was your best friend a secret and they swore never to tell only to discover that they are really spreading all your secrets you never wanted people to know. You'll be the laughing stock or potentially the most hated person.

All in all words are just sounds, a way of communicating, but actions are what show others who you are. Promises can be broken, trust can be broken, the best thing to do is see how a person acts. Actions speak louder than words and at least you'll know who's stabbing you in the back and lying.

The author's comments:

My piece is about whether actions or words are more important. My opinion on the topic was actions speak louder than words.

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