What the Flag Represents | Teen Ink

What the Flag Represents

November 5, 2015
By Anonymous

The American Dream.  Most Americans want to accomplish the American Dream--but what is the American Dream? The American Dream is about equal opportunities, getting treated equally and getting seen equally -- but it’s also about achieving your American Dream. And I, like so many, see the United States Flag as an opportunity to live the American Dream.

Many immigrants come to the United states of America and they believe in the American Dream. Most of my family came from Mexico and they came to the United States to become a somebody, to live the American Dream, and to have opportunities an opportunity to get a better job and get pay a good salary. My family took classes to speak English so that they could get treated equally they work hard to accomplish, even though not every American sees them as “Americans” my family were still immigrants to them. Immigrants see the United States Flag as an opportunity--an opportunity to live that American dream of them, to achieve what they couldn’t achieve-- but besides hard work It’s also about family, family sticking together to accomplish things and to helps their love ones accomplish their goals-- it’s about being United.

To live the American Dream, you have to work hard. Because if you want to live the American Dream, you can’t just say “I'm going to live the American dream” and just not work for it. it takes a lot of work but at the end of the journey you realize that all that hard work was worth every sweat, every tear,and and most of all it was worth every day.

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