The American Veterans | Teen Ink

The American Veterans

November 5, 2015
By ank13 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
ank13 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The American flag symbolizes our strong, courageous, and patriotic veterans. Veterans represent the stars on the flag and the stars symbolize America’s honor and achievement. The red stripes represent the veterans who died during war. And the white stripes represent safety and unity. America keeps our communities safe and unite as one under our flag.

My strong, courageous, and patriotic veteran is Marco--my great grandfather. He built runways for airplanes, bikes, and machines for the Construction Battalion in the Navy, in WWII. He’s my veteran.

His parents immigrated from Greece. They named him Marco (which means dedicated to war). He served in the Navy during 1941-1945. On the ship Elizabeth C Stanton, ship number AP- 69, he was a proud Greek man, fighting for America. He’s my veteran.

After the war, he came home, had four children and raised a family. He died in 1992, six years before I was born. But my family keeps his presence alive. Everyone says how my grandfather is just like him. I know his legacy is still living on. Great Grandpa Marco, you’re my veteran.

Stars--the honor our country has for the veterans who have achieved the courage to fight for our freedom. Red--to the families of veterans who have passed away, you are not alone. Their legacy will live on forever. White--we need to keep our communities safe and unite as one. We are proud of our American veterans.

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