American Flag | Teen Ink

American Flag

November 6, 2015
By 6hospel GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
6hospel GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The United States flag represents strength and courage.  From the men and women on the battlefield to the immigrants traveling here to start a new life, The red, white, and blue flag
symbolized their dreams.

The United States is a melting pot and a place where people from around the world live as one.  The dream of freedom meant courageous immigrants leaving their belongings behind for a treacherous journey towards achieving the American Dream. 

Once in the United States, immigrants utilized their skills and strengths to earn money and provide for themselves and their families. Immigrants often came over unable to speak a word of English. Could you imagine moving to a new country, not knowing anyone, and unable to communicate with the people around you? 

Fighting for freedom meant fighting to put food on the table and digging deep to find the strength to succeed in life.  This battle was not unlike the battle American soldiers fought.

These brave men and women, who fought for our country, were also courageous and strong.  They risked their lives so Americans can have freedom and safety.  It takes courage to stand there on the battlefield with bullets flying around you. 


The mental toll was ongoing for those fighting in the war.  Tragically seeing their brothers, and friends dying next to them, they had to find the strength to fight.  

Strength and courage are around us everywhere there is a flag.  The immigrants and the men and women who fought for our country all sacrificed more than imaginable in a lifetime.

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