Being Adventurous | Teen Ink

Being Adventurous

November 12, 2015
By Raphygenty BRONZE, Napa, California
Raphygenty BRONZE, Napa, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My name is Raphael, and I believe in being adventurous. More specifically, taking the risk to start the adventure, and learning that you can pick yourself up and go on if you fail. I remember one time when I was little, my family and I went zip lining about 100 feet above the rainforests of Costa Rica. There were rain droplets falling all over our bodies, and it was so foggy that I could not even see the other side of the zip line. It was as if I was going on a thin metal wire into some uncharted territory that no man had ever scouted before. I was six years old at the time, and this was my first time ziplining, so I didn’t know what to think of it. As we went on, the zip lines got higher, and longer, until the point where we were at least one hundred and fifty feet above the rainforests of Costa Rica. Then there it was, the last, the highest, and the longest zip line. I went on not thinking much of it until I got about halfway and found myself unexpectedly slowing down. I began to wonder what would happen if I didn’t get to the other side. Would I go back and not be rescued? Would I plummet to my death? I began to feel worried. The next thing I knew, I was about 6 feet away from the receiving tour guide where I was supposed to land safely when I started slowly going backward into the foggy, uncharted rain forest.

I now realize that for a majority of six-year-olds, it would have been a traumatizing experience, and they may never have wanted to go on a zip line ever again. But for some reason, at the time, I did not really think much of it. The tour guide came and got me, brought me to the other side, and I was fine. I actually love zip lining and have done it many times since then. For me, it did not mean that much to be going back into some unknown territory. I believe that this is because I am an adventurous person, and enjoy trying new things, and not letting people set barriers on my experiences.

I believe that being adventurous is easy for anyone to do, and I do not know why people hold themselves back so much. From my zip line experience, along with some others, I have learned that stepping out of your comfort zone can do many things to better your life experiences as a person. By trying new things, you can learn about yourself as a person and not let fear limit your life.  Living fearlessly, you can do what you think is right, and not be held back by what other people say you can or cannot do. You can also use those experiences to become stronger, and inspire others. I have talked to many people about my adventures. 

Once I learned a friend had gone to the same zip lining course as I went on, all the way in Sayulita, Mexico! We had a great conversation about the view, the excitement, and where we might go next. This shows how being adventurous can help you be more social with people, and help inspire you because you tell them your adventures, and they tell you theirs, and it encourages you to go out, and try more new things! I have found that getting out there in life, and experimenting with crazy adventures can help keep you open to new ideas, and it also adds a lot more fun to your life.

I also want you to ask yourself if you fall or hurt yourself, will you pick yourself back up and try again, or stay on the ground and wait until the whole adventure blows over? Will you miss out? If you think you will pick yourself back up, then you are most likely someone who keeps an open mind and tries new things and adventures often. I believe this will amplify your life and I believe in being adventurous, taking risks and getting back up on your feet if you fail.

The author's comments:

I wrote this with the help of my English teacher Mrs. Provenza, and I am very lucky to have had her help me throughout this writing process. 

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