The Inhumane Capture of Orcas at Marine Parks is Our Fault! | Teen Ink

The Inhumane Capture of Orcas at Marine Parks is Our Fault!

November 17, 2015
By aidanleo112 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
aidanleo112 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Our in humane treatment of Animals is morally wrong and irresponsible of our modern day society. The majority of our society will agree that the inhumane treatment of Animals is wrong. But the same people will also say that they have been to or like the idea of Seaworld. These people are contradicting themselves without even knowing it. Orcas at Seaworld and many other marine parks are being mistreated, and abused. Orcas should be freed from the enslaving, greedy owners and CEO’s of big time marine parks, and the capture of orcas should be internationally outlawed. Nobody is to blame but ourselves. Not the billionaire CEO’s of marine parks, not the inhumane fishermen who take away these mammals from their homes and family and not the abusive and ineffective trainers who train the orcas into exploitation. It is our own society and our ignorance towards the subject that is to blame.

Seaworld is well aware of the captivity and the mistreatment of the animals but seems to do nothing about acting upon it. But then again, we do not do enough either. After the extraneous work the Orcas go through during the day, they go into a 25 foot long pool that is only 50 feet deep, while whales can get up to around 19-20 feet long. They have 5 feet of room horizontally and only about 27 feet of room vertically. The lions in the San Diego zoo have more room to move around and be free than the whales do in the San Diego Seaworld (San Diego Zoo). In the article, The Truth about Blackfish, Seaworld mentions that their most famous Orca, Tilikum, has had incidents in the past with being over aggressive to trainers while in Canada. But, in a sloppy attempt make their “therapeutic” efforts valid, they stated that they put Tilikum through intensive and special care that would calm him down. While in the documentary Blackfish, the former trainers who worked with Tilikum stated that Seaworld failed to provide them with background information that would tell them about Tilikum's past incidents. The deception and dishonesty of Seaworld makes all the matters just a little bit worse. In reality, Seaworld is not all to blame. The efforts against Seaworld’s animal abuse have been extremely weak and frail leading to failure in a successful lawsuit, this is due to the fact that Seaworld not only has the support of slick and high paid lawyers, but they also have the support of our society. We are blinded by the entertainment factor of marine park. Seaworld has been open for nearly 70 years, only three lawsuits have been filed total (PETA). The three lawsuits are not enough for us to stop animal cruelty within Seaworld, we need to take matter into our own hands and act upon what we care about.

I do support the efforts of the marine amusement parks to educate the people and the youth around the world about Orca whales and as well as lots of other marine life. Many lives have been changed at Seaworld when children are experiencing the whales and the other various types of marine life. It is not only the fact that these marine life amusement parks are treating their animals so inhumanely, but it is also the fact that they are not willing to speak the truth about what is going on. It is also the fact that they have the wrong priorities when trying to treat the animals correctly; Seaworld would rather put millions of dollars into video surveillance for the whales but aren’t willing to take out some of the parking lot in order to make a bigger pool for the whales.

It is now up to us in order to fix the mistakes of the past. This barbaric and irrational treatment of Orcas and all other marine life is unacceptable and must be stopped immediately. It is our turn to make correct the wrongdoings of the past. We will overcome the injustices and evils of animal abuse around the globe.

The author's comments:

This was a paper that I wrote for my English 12 piece that I ended up having quite a passion for when writing. 

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