From the Time We're Young | Teen Ink

From the Time We're Young

December 18, 2015
By Bellamarie BRONZE, Elderburg, Maryland
Bellamarie BRONZE, Elderburg, Maryland
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Always Keep Fighting ~Jared Padalecki

From the time we were young we've heard phrases like "boys will be boys" and "that wasn't very ladylike of you!"
From the time we were young, we've been taught that boys can do whatever they want without consequence because "boys will be boys" but girls must submit to the standards set by society of how a "lady" should act because if we aren't "lady like" we will be shamed for it. We grow up thinking boys have more freedom to be whoever they want because "boys will be boys" while girls should only do things that fit under the category of "lady like".

Flash forward to middle school and girls start getting dress coded for wearing clothes that are "distracting" to boys. We get dress coded for things like having a bra strap showing based on the fact that it could distract the boys. We get forced to change into clothes that make us uncomfortable with ourselves for the rest of the day. Rather than teaching girls to be ashamed of their bodies and what they wear, maybe we should teach boys that girls are not objects to be a "distracted" by.

Then, in high school, we are taught that if a girl sleeps with one guy, she should be labeled as a s*** and s***-shamed for the rest of her life. But, if a guy sleeps with a different girl every week we should applaud him. Once again, "boys will be boys" is applied and they can live their lives however they choose without repercussion. But girl's aren't allowed to do whatever they want with THEIR OWN BODIES because that isn't "lady like".

Boys can say whatever they want,
But girls should keep their mouths clean and lady like.
Boys can wear whatever they want,
But girls can't wear anything "too revealing" or "distracting.
Boys can do whatever they want with their bodies,
But girls must follow certain guidelines set by society.
That is what we have been taught since we were children on the playground.

But guess what we're starting to learn. We're learning that, as women, we have rights to our own bodies. And we can do what we want with our own bodies and minds and say what we want without other's approval. We have the right to dress our bodies how we want and do with our bodies what we want and if we want to sleep with guys we can and if we want to cuss we can and if we want to tattoo ourselves up we can and if we want to wear revealing clothes and show skin because we are proud of our bodies we can because THEY ARE OUR BODIES. They are our temples and we can adorn and worship them as we please.

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