Tuesday, December 29, 2015. 12:49 A.M. | Teen Ink

Tuesday, December 29, 2015. 12:49 A.M.

December 29, 2015
By Ellie_Shinkle SILVER, Temperance, Michigan
Ellie_Shinkle SILVER, Temperance, Michigan
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We all dream of being perfect. No matter what we do, we have this nagging voice in our head telling us that we could have done better. You got an A, but you could have gotten an A+. You made countless goals in last night's game, but you missed the final shot. You're pretty, but that scar on your nose is far too distracting. You have friends, but the most popular kid in school doesn't like you. No matter the circumstances, all our minds tell us is that the mistakes we make pull us away from perfection, which is the one thing we all crave for. 

Here's the catch: if anyone was truly perfect, they'd be the most imperfect of us all. 

We all make mistakes, and we all have differences. It's these irregularities that make us human. Without them, what could possibly be left? To be perfect would leave you as a hollow shell of a person, incapable of ever being truly happy. 

So stop chasing the impossible. Stop the never-ending stampede towards the thing that none of us truly want. All the pain in life – all of the struggles, all of the slip-ups – is well worth the bits of happiness. 

Be proud of your A. Brag about the goals you did make. Wear your scar with pride. Forget about the friend you couldn't make – what you have is more than enough to make your life worth living. 

Don't think about your differences as mistakes. They're what make you You, and you should cherish each and every one of them. If you do, then you may finally find yourself so full of imperfections that, for once in your life, you are truly perfect.  

The author's comments:

All worthwhile thoughts come in the middle of the night.

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