Loving the Little Things | Teen Ink

Loving the Little Things

January 3, 2016
By notsempai BRONZE, Laurel, Maryland
notsempai BRONZE, Laurel, Maryland
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

"I love you." The three realest words in the english language, if genuine. Everyone, whether they know it or not, has someone who loves them. Love is universal. It's the one thing holding humanity together. It fixes broken hearts and mends torn souls. It's like the "super glue" of society. But have you ever just sat down and thought to yourself what it truly means to love someone?

When you look up the word “love” in the dictionary, you find definitions such as “a strong sense of affection” or “having intense romantic feelings.” But is that really all love is? Many people only see love as a feeling or emotion, but it’s actually much more than that. Love can’t be generalized, because it’s the little things that count.

Love is waking up and knowing that you don’t have to face the day alone. Love is when their smile is the “cherry on top” of your sundae. Love is when thinking about them makes you feel warm and gooey. Love is when their embrace is your security blanket. Love is holding their hand and not having to let go.

So next time you want to show someone that you love them, try something small, miniscule even. It’ll say exactly what you need it to.

The author's comments:

Love has always been a difficult concept for me to grasp. Writng this article has helped me to understand my own feelings better.

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