Marriage Equality | Teen Ink

Marriage Equality

January 12, 2016
By Lukens_ BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
Lukens_ BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Shoot for the moon, if you miss, you'll land among the stars..."

On June 26, 2015, you could practically hear the thousand upon thousands of cheering screams as the law for same-sex marriage was passed in 5-4 vote in the USA. The internet blew up with the news and celebrations rang throughout the nation. But by viewing the whole issue, it’s only a small set forward. LGBTQ+ members are being killed viciously around the world and people like Kim Davis are denying same-sex couples marriage. The world still has hate. Although it is against some religious beliefs, same-sex marriage should get recognized, if not legalized, by the governments and people all around the world because the children of same-sex couples benefit, denying same-sex couples the right to marry has a negative impact on their health and in the end, marriage is a right.


Marriage has been a part of world culture for thousands of years. People should have the opportunity to marry whom they please without people whose lives they don’t effect don’t allow them to marry or don’t want them to. Like many things change as time progresses, the definition or the way marriage is viewed can be changed. Our Supreme Court ruled that marriage is “one of the basic civil rights,” later stating that, “The freedom to marry has long been recognized as one of the vital personal rights essential to the orderly pursuit of happiness by free men” (qtd. in Same-Sex Marriage).

Depriving same-sex couples the right to marry, here, in the USA, even though same sex marriage is legal, can been seen as going against the law and the foundation of the country, in which marriage is seen as a “basic right,” whether it implies to same-sex couples are not (SS-M).

This relates to the fact that other countries, like Australia, should follow suit because times are changing and we all should be free to marry the person we love. Australia's citizens are in support of the idea, even protesting over it. This is important to realize because even though laws are being passed here, many of the countries legally forbid it, taking away a right every human should have access to. It’s our lives and it’s your lives and we shouldn’t let others prevent us from reaching this level of happiness.
    The health and happiness of others, and ourselves, has always been important in our lives. Yet every time we prevent people from doing something they want to do, that doesn’t affect us and is good, the level of health and happiness in society can be decreased. The union between two people allows them advantages by law. Marriage allows the couple recognition in society and provides emotional uplifts, among other things. And according to the article, “Same Sex Marriage Protects Families and Children in Many Ways,” the authors state that, “For adults, a stable, happy marriage is the best protection against illness and death.” There is a research piece that supports that fact that couples that want to wed, but haven’t, over a long period of time they show things such as reduced happiness. Refusing same sex couple the chance to unify, has a decaying effect on their health and their lives (Protects Families). This basically translates to couples that want to get married, but can’t by law, might see their happiness and health decrease as time goes on. This could be a result of them probably falling into depression if it is serious enough. This is important because not only will we be keeping our health in mind, we will be supporting others’ health.

There are many cases in the world where same sex couples can legally be guardians of children, but because they can’t get married, it can affect the children they are raising. A minor who is being brought up by a legally united same-sex couple, or a couple in general, can thrive based on the reason that their parents have a union that is legally viewed (Protects Families). There are citizens that can take legal guardianship of say, their brother’s kids in a country in Asia. But if they end up being gay or lesbian, by not having a law for marriage equality, the kids don’t benefit and that isn’t fair to anyone. In conclusion on that issue, the legalization of gay marriage is internationally an easy fix and a better outcome for the children.

When the Marriage Equality law was passed this past summer, as I said, there was celebration all over, but there were many people in utter shock and disgust. Many threatened to move to Canada, which can be seen as ironic because Canada has legally permitted same sex marriage for years. But many people in the world just don’t agree with the idea of two men or two women coming together in marriage. In a 21st century poll, people were asked why they don’t agree with same sex marriage. 28% said because it isn’t right, that it’s a sin and it goes directly against God. 17% said that it was against the religion they followed. 16% said that marriage is between two people of the opposite sex and 9% said that it was just wrong and so on and so forth (Main Reason’s Opposing Gay Marriage). These top four reasons could all somehow be related back to religion and the ideas promoted by religion. Islam officially prohibits same sex marriage, and they aren’t alone. Many religions, like The Roman Church, simply don’t find same sex marriage to be right and for many reasons. But religions like Reform Judaism has long permitted same sex marriage. The Roman Church, however, says that, “Marriage is a faithful, exclusive and lifelong union between one man and one woman.” But to directly oppose that myself, most of the time, especially now, the sad truth is that marriage doesn’t last a lifetime and not all people are faithful. To directly relate to that, unsupportive people of same sex marriage argue back that a male and female relationship should be the only relationships to have the right to marry (SS-M). And many people agree that the only reason you marry is to have kids and claim that two men or two women couldn’t possibly parent children. But a powerful claim by the article “...Protects Families and Children…” has been made. “The mark of a strong family and health children is having parents who are nurturing, caring and loving. Parent’s should be judged based only on their ability to parent.” It’s evident that just because a man and woman are getting married, doesn’t mean they are going to have children. What if they can’t have kids? Is their marriage false? And just because there are two guys in the relationship doesn’t mean they can’t be the best parents in the world. It’s kind of like just because you’re a man doesn’t mean you are the only one who is making money. It’s all relative. Just because a same sex couple can’t produce offspring with their partner doesn’t mean they can’t adopt or have become pregnant another way and then be the best parents. The definition of love, family and marriage changes everyday and we should nurture that change in any way (The good ways they change.) Just because the religion doesn’t respect it doesn’t mean it can’t change or, the religion's followers can at least show respect (not that many don’t already). You don’t have to agree that same sex marriage is right; everybody should at least respect the way others live their lives because it doesn’t normally affect them in a negative way.

I want to make sure I’ve opened you eyes to these new ideas. A world where we can be with who we want and carry the benefits with us. It’s important to accept one another. Marriage equality should exist all around the world and for many reasons. Marriage between two people that love each other can, not will, but can increase happiness for some couples. The people associated with the couples will benefit from their recognized relationship. And marriage equality is a right. Will you join the support?

The author's comments:

I think this topic is very important and it has a special meaning to me. I feel like it’s a good idea to spread all of these ideas out into the world.

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