Homelessness Today | Teen Ink

Homelessness Today

February 7, 2016
By Anonymous

Before high school, I was fortunate enough to go to a school where they allowed students to embark on frequent community service field trips. On one of these trips, the entire eighth grade went to Atlanta Mission to volunteer for the day. One of the tasks we were asked to do was to prepare food and hand out the meals as people started to enter the building for lunch. The volunteers there also encouraged us to have a conversation with the people just as a way for us to gain a new perspective and brighten their days.

I had to the fortunate opportunity to talk to war veterans, single moms, and many other different types of people. I came to realize that each person I talked with had ambitions and a desire to improve their current living situation.They did not need money; they needed a catalyzing opportunity to get a second chance at life. Often times, society rejects homeless people because of their appearance or lack of sufficient stability. This type of mindset creates a permanent lifestyle from a temporary situation for homeless people. Homeless people resort to begging for money on the streets, because society refuses to give them a chance at obtaining work or any sort of help.

Homelessness is a major issue within the United States that the government fails to address. Just in 2014, around 600,000 people were left without a home. We need to have more programs that help homeless people become independent, get a stable job, and assimilate back into society. This service trip put into perspective for me how hard it is for homeless people to regain their place in the community. Instead of outcasting homeless people, society should embrace their desire to recover from their situation.

The author's comments:

Although the rate of homelessness has decreased within the last few years, it is still a major problem that needs to be issued. Just with an open heart, people can help homeless people asssimulate back into society.

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