Self-Esteem 101 | Teen Ink

Self-Esteem 101

February 16, 2016
By Anonymous

Sometimes, its hard to feel good about yourself, especially since we live in a society that keep sending the message that we have to be perfect.

Especially us girls, the world tells us we're nobody unless we have the right cloths and body. But God tells us we are beautiful the way we are.

Are you your worst critic? And in response to that criticism, are you constantly trying to transform yourself into a person who meets society's expectations? But  not God's. I know I have tried. If so, it's time to become a little more understanding of the person in the mirror.

Millions of words have been written about various ways to improve self-esteem.

Yet maintaining a healthy self-image is, to a surprising extent, a matter of doing a few simple things.

1. Obeying God
2. Think heathy thoughts
3. Find things to do that please your Creator   and yourself.
4. Finding encouraging friends who reinforce your sense of self- worth, friends who urge to be have yourself and believe in yourself.
When you do these things, your self-image will tend to take care of its self.
Now no one is perfect we're just human, but we can try to , that's the best thing we can do.

There will be bumps in the rode we will fall, but we need to jump up and dust ourselves off and keep trying.
Gloria Gaither once said:

"Being loved by him (God) whose opinion matters most gives us the security to risk loving, too even loving ourselves.

The author's comments:

I have struggled with my own self-esteem. Writing this article helped a lot.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Feb. 21 2016 at 8:18 pm
Blondie625 GOLD, Kingsland, Georgia
10 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I wonder how I should like you to put me gently out of my pain."
-Robert Frost

This is awesome girl!!! I'm so glad you posted this!