Sexism | Teen Ink


February 24, 2016
By LaurenHankes BRONZE, Skokie, Illinois
LaurenHankes BRONZE, Skokie, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We live in a world where genders are unequal. Where stereotypes are more than common. Girls are constantly being sexualized for their bodies and boys are expected to act like they do not experience emotions. We need gender equality because there is no reason for these unjust labels and sexualizations.

At ten years old, I worried about my appearance because the media told me I had to. So, I started wearing makeup. At eleven, one of my peers told me playing baseball was not girly enough. So, I started playing softball instead. At twelve, a group of about eighteen year old boys walked past me. One of them whistled as I walked passed. I was appalled. Ever since then, I have seen these changes happening to all of my peers. They quit their passions because it is not “girly” or “manly enough.”

According to Huffington Post, Washington Post, and, woman get paid 78 cents for every man’s dollar. When I grow older, I do not want to be living in a world where I cannot be as successful as men for the sole purpose of being female. However, men do not always have it easy. According to,, and, men are four times more likely to commit suicide than women because they are uncomfortable sharing their feelings, causing the feelings to eventually be so extreme they can no longer handle it.  The one question I ask is why. Why can’t men share their feelings in society without being looked down upon? Why is society unable to accept genders as equal? Sexism would not exist if everybody stopped referring to century old stereotypes. Thank you.

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