The Arts in School | Teen Ink

The Arts in School

March 9, 2016
By Anonymous

There are many benefits to having the arts in school (including theater, music, art, and more). Some may argue that the arts are too costly, but the benefits of the arts are worth it. The arts can open up job opportunities for students, help with student’s behavior, increase test scores and grades, and more. The benefits of the arts in schools outway the cons.

First of all, the arts can open up lots job opportunities for students. The arts can help with motivation, which is a very important thing for getting a job that they would like. What if you was interested in science and being a scientist, but they never taught science in school? Having the arts in schools will show students a new style of learning and a possible career that they can pursue in the future. Some may argue that students should pursue the arts other places, but not all students have the drive to do that, and having the arts in school will give them the motivation and the extra push that they need. The arts can open up and help with jobs such as commercial artists, teachers, graphic designers, producers, sound engineers, publicists, promoters, managers, directors, actors, singers, songwriters, and more.

Second, the arts can help improve students’ behavior. In the article, “Pros and Cons of Music Education,” it stated, “Within two to three years, every school that cuts arts showed a decrease in moral and attendance and an increase in vandalism and disruptions, and within three years most of them had to add extensive disciplinary staff to account for the problems that were created by not providing the full range of experiences that human beings need.”

Finally, the arts can increase the test scores, grades, and overall performance of students. For example, the article, “10 Salient Studies on the arts in Education,” wrote, “A 2002 report by The Arts Education Partnership looked at over 62 different studies from 100 researchers, spanning the range of fine arts from dance to the visual arts. Using this data, researchers determined that students who received more arts education did better on standardized tests, improved their social skills and were more motivated than those who had reduced or no access.” In addition, the 2006 Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum Study on art Education sent artists into schools and taught students to create their own masterpieces. The students in this program performed better in 6 different categories of  literacy and critical thinking skills then the students who weren’t in this program. I know that teachers and equipment can be expensive, but it is worth it in the end.

In conclusion, having the arts in school can be expensive. You have to pay for the teachers and all the equipment, but the arts will benefit the school and the students greatly. Is it worth taking away the arts, and taking away an opportunity for a student to excel at it a make it their career. The arts can lead to many careers, improve behavior, and raise test scores and grades.

The author's comments:

My piece is about having more of the arts classes in school, and all the benefits the arts has on students. 

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