The Cons to Puppy Mills | Teen Ink

The Cons to Puppy Mills

March 9, 2016
By Anonymous

A lot of people debate whether puppy mills should be permitted or if people should not be legally allowed to have puppy mills. Puppies may have shelter in puppy mills, but the shelter has horrible living conditions. Not only are the living conditions bad, but the only point of puppy mills is for the people running it to make money off the dogs. This paper will state the cons of puppy mills and why you should not buy dogs from puppy mills.

One reason that you should not buy a dog from puppy mills, is that the living conditions for the animals are terrible. In puppy mills, they confine multiple animals into small cages. Also, there is very little grooming in puppy mills. There is very little food for the dogs as well. The dogs are not living in proper living conditions at puppy mills. In the article, Buyer Beware: The Problem with puppy mills and backyard breeders, it states the multiple problems with the living conditions for the dogs at puppy mills. If you start buying dogs at pet stores that get their dogs from puppy mills, you’re actually funding the puppy mills and keeping them in business.

Another reason that puppy mills should not be legal, is that there is no good point to puppy mills. The people at puppy mills care more about making money than taking good care of the dogs.  In the article, Buyer Beware: The Problem with puppy mills and backyard breeders, they state that puppy mills only want money, that they are a breeding facility. Puppy mills don’t give the right kind of care the dogs should have. There is no good reason for people to have puppy mills, which is why people shouldn’t buy dogs from puppy mills; Instead you should adopt a dog from a shelter near by.

Dogs in puppy mills are put under a lot of stress. In puppy mills, the breeder will breed female dogs continuously until they can’t breed anymore. This causes stress on the female dog’s body. Jeff Jenning, a dog trainer from Molalla, says “We all want to adress puppy mills.” Meaning, that there are many problems with puppy mills and we all want to make a change. We want to make sure the dogs are treated fairly and live in better conditions than there living in now at puppy mills. That is why you should buy a dog from a shelter instead of a puppy mill. When you buy dogs from shelters, eventually the puppy mills won’t be funded causing them to have to shut down the puppy mill.

In conclusion, if you are to adopt a dog, you should adopt it from a shelter. The dogs in puppy mills have horrible living conditions, the people in charge care more about making money than well being of the dogs, and puppy mills put too much stress on the dogs body’s. It is so important to adopt a dog from a shelter because it could save multiple dogs lives. When you buy a dog from a puppy mill, your funding puppy mills and keeping them in business. So, you should buy a dog in a shelter instead of buying a dog at a puppy mill.

The author's comments:

My piece is about why people should adopt dogs from animal shelters instead of adopting from a puppy mill.

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mjo21 said...
on Mar. 16 2016 at 7:10 pm
mjo21, Hartland, Wisconsin
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
Cool piece!!!