What Freedom Means to Me | Teen Ink

What Freedom Means to Me

March 18, 2016
By pianojammin98 PLATINUM, Nashotah, Wisconsin
pianojammin98 PLATINUM, Nashotah, Wisconsin
21 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am grateful to live in America. We have one thing that countries all over the world are still fighting for: freedom. Americans see red, white, and blue in the flag, in our soldiers, and in our hearts.

While Christians in Syria are persecuted, worshiping in secret, Christians in America express their religion openly without fear. The pastor steps up to the altar. A cross is painted on the stain glass window behind him. The white stripes symbolize our religious freedom. 

Veterans suffer from PTSD. A retired soldier wakes in the the night to flashbacks of his best friend getting blown to bits.  He battles post war depression and his life will never be the same. He sacrifices himself for the freedom of the American citizens. The bold red of the flag is the bravery and sacrifice of our soldiers.

The woman whose sister was killed because of her ethnicity witnesses the killer sentenced to life in prison after years of legal battles. She cries tears of relief, while looking at the blue justice of the American flag. 

I am grateful to live in America, a country of freedom, bravery, and justice and the country of the red, white and blue.

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