A Letter to the World | Teen Ink

A Letter to the World

March 13, 2016
By B.E.Free BRONZE, Brisbane, Other
B.E.Free BRONZE, Brisbane, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
This world is but a canvas to our imagination. - Henry David Thoreau

Dear World,

You keep denying our existence.

We are the speechless. The ones who smile through our screens. We are blamed for all the worlds problems. But for us the constant fear of not being accepted is too much. This facade people see is nothing but a well practised masquerade as we battle the demons that torture our every decision.

We don't exist. Our true selves never will.

We are taught at a young age, by the older generations - with more wisdom - to hide anything that makes us unique, different. Have you ever looked at a child? The wonder in their eyes. The innocence and naïvety as they look at the world around them, questioning everything. We used to be those children before your harsh reality made us change our views and plans for the future.

We have seen destruction everyday so we grow immune to the pain and suffering. Grow up with terror threats and nuclear war on our doorsteps. We no longer flinch at the bloody images of war. We understand financial crisis better than most of you ever will.
Yet, still we are treated like children.

You see us as vapid, flirty and annoying little kids but we are the ones who will one day rule this country. Make life altering decisions. Fight for what we believe in. And yes, we make mistakes. But is that not the way we learn? Through trying new things and finding out that some things can't be achieved straight away. Did you not make your own mistakes?

You teach us to fear. To hide our true feelings. Every single belief and opinion that might offend someone. Even to hide from ourselves.

But the worst thing is that we hide from each other. We hide inside ourselves, secreting away our intelligence and passions to fit in with the 'norm'. We pretend that we are ok. That life is ok. That no one is dying and we should have nothing to worry about. But we do. We worry like every other human on this planet. But more than that, we worry about the future. The world that we will be given.

There is a belief that humans are powerful beyond measure. And we are. We make food grow, travel at extreme speeds, invent incredible technological devices, take our mind and our bodies to the limits and push each other to achieve greatness.

And we are the most powerful. We are not yet corrupt. We are not yet influenced by societies pressures and unrealistic ideals. We may not have wisdom but in some ways, we are wiser than you can even imagine. We do not fixate on one idea as our open minds give us a chance to be anything. We are not held back by boundaries as we have not yet created them.

Our unchangeable belief that we do have a purpose and that this situation will get better, is the most valuable thing we own. We are not yet cynical. We have not lost faith in this world or another. Do you not see that we are angry at the world? Angry that we will have to clean up your messes while you hold us in such clear contempt and analyse our every move, every sentence like we are another species.

Stand in our shoes. Please. Just for one moment. What do you see? A world seething with hatred or a world of hope? A world of insanity or inspiration? How about both? If you give us a chance you will find that our voice has infinite knowledge and only wants to help. We have seen to much harm.

At the moment, we are silenced, labelled, undervalued and demeaned by others of our own kind. Others who were once like us.

And so we stand on the brink of a possible WWIII because people are unwilling to talk. Well, now we are talking. Standing up and speaking up. Yet, we cannot help until you decide to let us try.

After all, we don't exist.

The author's comments:

I was inspired by all the articles I have read on the internet blaming teenagers for the world's problems. I believe that many of our opinions matter and that our voices deserve to be heard.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Mar. 24 2016 at 7:01 am
Great work