What Freedom Means to Me | Teen Ink

What Freedom Means to Me

March 18, 2016
By Anonymous

His faded combat boots, worn in the toes, were once filled with his aching feet and brave young soul.  His washed out camouflage pants and ten white t- shirts, with a slight tinge of yellow, sit upon the same shelf.  The patches he has earned are more than just fabric sewn on to uniforms; they are hard-work, sacrifice, and dedication to our nation.

Freedom is the young man that steps into an unknown world to fight for the ones he loves, but some that he will never know.  Everything that he loved, he left.  He did it for you, he did it for me.  He did it so that we could be free.
We can say and feel what we want.  We can worship where we want.  We can love who we want.  We can be free. That is what freedom means to me.

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