What Freedom Means to Me | Teen Ink

What Freedom Means to Me

March 18, 2016
By earthquakers SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
earthquakers SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Freedom is a shield - crafted by those who gave up their lives in the defense of the innocent and wielded by the men and women who still hang on to the courage of their hearts. It is strong and resolute as they who paid the ultimate price to ensure a future for all on earth. It will endure for those that still hold honor in their tradition.

Freedom is a blanket - stretched from coast to coast, and from sea to shining sea, in an attempt to defend all who value justice above revenge, kindness in the face of hardship, and honesty in place of immorality. Freedom is not a shade or blindfold over those that it lies, but the line between autonomy and dependence.

Freedom is a flag - the red, white, and blue that streams like a beacon in the darkness, that shines its light on the the path of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness - rights that every man and woman deserves and desires.

Freedom is home - built by our ancestors who fought to achieve righteousness, and inhabited by those men and women who follow their example. Freedom is a world we all must build and share.

The author's comments:

The many ways Freedom can be seen.

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