Democratic and Republican Views | Teen Ink

Democratic and Republican Views

March 27, 2016
By Ashwath_K BRONZE, Livonia, Michigan
Ashwath_K BRONZE, Livonia, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

While watching the recent primaries, I have noticed there are only two major opposing sides in a democratic presidential races --  The wealthy and those who are below them. In the US, they take on the form of the Republican Party and the Democratic Party. Republicans tend to look out for the interests of the wealthy and upper middle class, while Democrats attempt to give a voice to those of the lower middle or lower class. Of course, there are many more differences between these two parties. And in order to truly understand these differences, it is best to look at each of the party’s point of views.

To begin with, some of the republican party’s main interests for the welfare of the United States are to prevent illegal immigration, and to not allow gay marriage. As a son of a full fledged republican, I learned that republicans are negative with illegal immigration because they believe that illegal immigration may hurt the economy. Furthermore, most republicans are wealthy, and if immigration were to happen from Mexico, they would have to pay for government wellfare. Another issue, as specified above, is gay marriage. Contrary to popular belief that Republicans hate homosexuals, the republican party's standpoint on gay marriage comes from a belief that having a male and female raise kids is a healthier and balanced way for a child to grow up.

Next, some of the democratic party's main interest for the benefit of the United States is to allow illegal immigrants to remain in the United States and to keep the issue of gay marriage at a state level decision. As noted by various democrats, democrats believe that the US is built off of immigrants. This issue demonstrates how the democrats are willing to help dreamers(illegal immigrants) who are very poor. Another common issue is gay marriage. Democrats believe, at a fundamental level, that gay marriage should be allowed. However, the democrats leave it up to the states to decide if gay marriage should be allowed.

To conclude, both parties do work for the future of the US, but differ in may political views. Because of these views, the gap between the rich and the poor will never heal.

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