All Soldiers Should Be Honored | Teen Ink

All Soldiers Should Be Honored

March 31, 2016
By Ladder BRONZE, Park City, Utah
Ladder BRONZE, Park City, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There is no good, or bad soldier, only a good, or bad motive. Their stories about how some stood their ground, how some charged into a death trap, and survived. How some survived the impossible. Yet we only recognize most of these actions for our side. All soldiers should be honored, I don’t care who they are, what side they fought for; I’m looking for the actions that true soldiers will do. Like the sixty Nazi soldiers in World War II who had a chance to surrender, but refused to, and stood their ground until their last breath. Or the time when it was Germany’s last moments before surrendering, every Nazi soldier who was willing to fight until he couldn’t. Or the Japanese soldiers in World War II, where they were so determined to win that they would charge at enemy’s lines in literal suicide charges. Or a Chinese sniper during the Korean War, where he stood his ground on a hill picking off UN soldiers with only an Iron sight, keeping the hill on North Korea’s side. Or the Vietcong, the army who actually defeated the US army. Or the Confederate Army during the Civil War. The Union thought that the war would only last ninety days, until the Confederate army proved them wrong by pushing the war to four years. I hate it when people blame the soldiers for the actions they did, when it wasn’t their fault; their leaders brainwashed them to do horrible things. What about the stories where they saved their men, friends, even people they didn’t know. You don’t have to be the good guy to do good actions.

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