Fraud Leads to Corruption | Teen Ink

Fraud Leads to Corruption

April 5, 2016
By TsamTsam BRONZE, Unalaska, Alaska
TsamTsam BRONZE, Unalaska, Alaska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What makes a country corrupted? Lankov stated, “Corruption is a morally loaded word, a social evil that damages state institutions, plagues societies, and reduces economic efficiency.” However, it’s not only the government that causes fraud, but also the citizens. There may be people you see in the streets that don’t have money. How do you react to this kind of situation? Sympathy, empathy, or anger. Having a way of understanding one’s economy and government would make citizens know what to change and work on that will benefit their own country; giving them more rights and jobs.

The Politics of North Korea are dominated by bribe-taking and cheating people around them, making the people look like fools. In addition, the North Koreans tend to refuse all the good things that are coming their way. As a matter of fact, when non-Koreans observed North Koreans, they think of them as the people that always bribe, but how would they “observe it when the North Koreans barely have any voices,” as Lankov stated, “In other words, even if under a new system officials are given good salaries, they are still likely to retain their habit of extorting bribes and embezzling everything they can”.

The government of the Philippines is selfish because they have infrastructure that the old president, Marcos, built to make Philippines a more stabilized country than it is recently. In addition, when the latest president, Aquino came, things started to go out of control. From my own experience, I saw the situation in the city of the Philippines, Manila: Distinguishing from the province I was born at, Tagudin, Ilocos Sur, Philippines; It’s filthy, crimes are everywhere, it is crowded, and so on. Meanwhile, provinces are peaceful and have little crime going on. In similarity with North Korea, they will do things that satisfies the government and not for the satisfaction of the Philippines's citizens itself. United Nations (UN) are inviting them to have an open government to make the country healthy. However, the government of the Philippines replied with, “not only a creation of an effective and of the Philippines replied with “not only a creation of an effective and efficient state which can deliver public services, it also implies taking a larger agenda for creating an institutional framework which delivers good governance,” if you were given this opportunity, would you take it?

It’s surprising to think that the United States is corrupted due to the competition of power, money, and selfishness. An author, J.R. Martin published an award winning book, Selling U.S. Out, which talks about the economic problems that the U.S. had. The government often looked at their own situation rather than all of the situations happening to the other citizens of the U.S. So, Moreland stated, “Our federal government is supposed to act like this: Congress creates and abolishes laws, the judiciary branch interprets those laws, while the executive branch enforces and vetoes laws. The only branch that can create and abolish laws is our bicameral Congress that is composed of the House of Representatives and the Senate.” The big players of our government, Republicans and Democrats are both destroying by being a fraud to their own country for example; companies try to fake the receipt so that you’ll be able to pay more than the normal price.

Overall, there are different ways that may lead to corruption in different countries, but this also shows the similarities between the corrupted countries. Pride is what people have to take away because with pride, you would be able to see the peoples’ actions outside, but not inside because you’re just disagreeing on your own thought about that person. Another thing is that you might not be able to show what you’re capable of; we should also remove our selfishness, which would make things easier than they are. We should make good decision on what we’re going to pick for president to make sure that you’re able to get through situations that the old president was not able to do. You can give out suggestions toward the people and be with the person that would be able to get the rights and jobs and in overall; this would create a better understanding of our economic and how they would change it.

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