Friendship | Teen Ink


April 18, 2016
By kennidi.t BRONZE, Robinson, Texas
kennidi.t BRONZE, Robinson, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Some are good but this one isn't I gave you my heart and you threw it away. When I when I said  that I would take a bullet for you I never intended for you to be the one pulling the trigger. You were supposed to be my friend, you were supposed to be my “sister” I thought that i could trust you.

You were my Hanna and I was your Alison we were bestfriends and we were inseparable you knew all of my secrets but I never knew any of yours I guess that I should have suspected something was wrong. I told you everything and you told me nothing but I am starting to think that I drove you away maybe it is because I got too attached too easily I cared for you too much and you didn’t care enough you hid me from your other friends I don’t know if it was to protect me or to protect you from the things that they would say about me. If it is my fault just tell me my only goal was to make sure that you were always happy and never in pain. You don’t know how many times I cried myself to sleep because I knew that you weren’t telling me something but I knew one thing for a fact and that was that the smile you showed me to keep me from worrying was fake. It was just a prop in the first act of the play called life. Your smile and your laugh. Just you in general makes me happy we may not be friends anymore and you may not care but I will always care. I will always be your friend. I will always love you. It is not my fault that I can’t get over you. You were my only real friend or so I thought. You helped me through more things than I can count you were always there for me and I thought it was because you cared and maybe you did at some point in time but you don’t anymore. I just want you to know that I always will.

The author's comments:

when I said "You were my Hanna and I was your Alison" that is a Pretty Little Liars refrence

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