Simplicity = Bliss | Teen Ink

Simplicity = Bliss

April 18, 2016
By svoss BRONZE, Park City, Utah
svoss BRONZE, Park City, Utah
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I’m trying to wrap my head around what life is.  The more I think about it the more complicated and deep it gets.  I get confused and I can’t seem to understand why we do certain things. Why did we create a government?  It gives us rules and laws, tells us what we can and can’t do.  Yet they tell us we are “free”.  What does it mean to be free?  To me when I hear the word “free,” I think of no rules and being able to express myself without people telling me my emotions.   The word freedom has a lot to do with love.  Love is people’s safe haven.  When you are free to express yourself, free to make your own decisions, you feel loved in a sort of way.  Not love like in a relationship, where you love sexually.  It’s more of the love you have in your heart that you feel for the Earth and nature, the natural things. 

That’s what I don’t understand about society, they think they can tell people who they can and can’t be.   What is wrong with being gay?! If a man wants to love another man, that is his emotions, it has nothing to do with anyone else.  Love is Love, no matter the race, size, religion, or gender.  There is no reason to deny someone of marriage if they are gay.  If you cannot accept it, that is your problem.  People get into other people's business and are never worried about their own person.  The world is a complicated place with millions of different personalities, but the people that have too different of personalities are the ones that get tossed aside.   The ones that have their own beliefs and rebel against what is right are the ones that are not accepted in this society.  “It’s easy to stand with the crowd.  It takes courage to stand alone” (Mahatma Gandhi).  To be accepted in society is what makes people feel loved.  Maybe that’s why so many people can’t be themselves, because they do not feel loved any other way.  I know I want to feel loved and I would do anything to get that love and to share love to others. 

Happiness is connected with love.  If you are truly happy with yourself being,  then love is already there.  Research shows that happy people are naturally healthier and are more motivated in life.  If you are happy, you are already sharing the love and joy to others, which is the most beautiful thing you can do. 

Have you ever asked yourself when the last time was that you just stopped and thought about the world and peace? The way the human mind works is so amazing and beautiful.  You can always turn something as beautiful as the mind and soul into something ugly so quickly with negativity and hate.  There is only so much hate people can take for their own sanity.  Maybe that’s why people kill themselves, so they can finally be free from the hate and negativity from the real world.  What I think is sad is that they are brave enough to release their mind and soul to galaxies so far, while the rest of us stay behind and think, why did they kill themselves?  You never think about how you chipped in to kill this person though, making you an accomplice to murder.  Every mean word, name, or gesture you made to this person, they took to heart.   The heart that was slowly wilting inside, until one day this heart could no longer find the light.  I like to think of the heart as a giant flower full of life and color that captures bright sunlight, and feeds off of its happiness.  While darkness kills us, just like it kills a flower that was never meant to be left in the dark.  Suicide isn’t always such a bad thing as long as they are happy and are no longer suffering.  So why be selfish and wish that they hadn’t killed themselves?  Everyone makes their own choices.  I agree that suicide rates are very high and that is a problem.  When you kill yourself you are taking away a life that is filled with beauty, creativity and power to change the world.  Everyone has the power to change the world, it just depends on what you do with that power to make a difference. It is very hard to make a difference if you have left this world and have moved on to something better.  “If you want to kill yourself, kill what you don’t like.  I had an old self that I killed.  You can kill yourself too, but that doesn’t mean you have to stop living” (unknown). Have you ever thought about what if everyone was happy, loved others for who they are that people wouldn’t feel the need to end their own life?  If you have never been in a position to kill yourself you have no idea what it feels like in that moment.  In that moment, there is no stopping your thoughts and the urge to just end it.  Love can heal every broken heart, every scar, every broken bone; love has the power to heal countries. 

The other day in the news, a lady was killed in a car accident by a drunk driver.  I did not think this was sad.  Why would it be sad?  This woman was obviously so generous, caring and kind-hearted that the universe couldn’t wait any longer to have her loving soul.  So they said it was time for her to come back to where she belongs, and the universe sent an angel to take her away.  She is now an angel watching over us making sure that we share love and that we always know to love ourselves.  Everybody dies, it just depends on how and when.  Death is not a scary thing, it is part of this life cycle, and it is so magnificent.  I always wondered how I would die, and when would I leave this life.  I want to live my life to the fullest and try new things that other people are too scared to try.  People are too worried about what everyone else thinks that they don’t live their life true to their emotions.  The thing about death is that with love it will make it better.  This person is watching over you right now and is sending all of their love your way and do not want you to live your life in fear.  Love is such a general word and feeling that you can perceive in any way that it makes you feel.   It has so many different sides to it and angles that you can examine.

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