Acceptance | Teen Ink


May 16, 2016
By Maia98 BRONZE, Gilbert, Arizona
Maia98 BRONZE, Gilbert, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Society as a whole needs to learn to except those who are different from them. Whether the difference be people who are gay, straight, Muslims, Jews, Mexican, American, white, Black, etc. Once acceptance happens, it'll be much easier to create peace. In my life I have witnessed so many acts of hate towards a specific group of people or an individual. This hate takes on all kinds of forms, whether it be through bullying itself, politics, wars, or just everyday feuds. These can be for the most simplest and sometimes idiotic of reasons. It can be for someone's skin color, clothes they wear, how much money they make,what they do with their life, or even just plain racism. In the world I have grown up in, it has been easier to see this hate in social media, to often there are posts depicting racism and hatred towards situations that are happening in the world.

Due to the absence of acceptance, there have been many cases of discrimination towards others who are different. Recently there was the gay pride movement, it's fine to have different opinions but it's not fine to take away someone's rights to marriage because their marriage is different from yours or that they are hated for loving someone of the same gender. Once acceptance for these people became more widespread, people were ready to help their cause. And they were finally able to achieve some acceptance among enough people to make a difference
Another issue that is facing America, is the non-acceptance of immigrants, more specifically Mexicans, refugees, and Muslims. People like Donald Trump have such hatred for these people that he wants to have surveillance of Muslims in the USA, practically some of the same ideas that Hitler used during his rise to power. Not only this but he also wants to build a wall between America and Mexico and then make Mexico pay for it. It's illogical to believe that this is possible. It isn't how the system works, it would cause so much damage that it would be almost near impossible to fix.

America,though, is an amazing country, full of opportunities and freedom, although it does have many opportunities for improvement.  America needs to improve on is acceptance of others who are different. Whether they have a different skin tone, religion, opinions,beliefs, ethnicity, or any other reason. Once we as a nation except each other for who we are-no-once we as a world except each other and all of its diversity, the world would be closer to ending all wars, hatred, and uniting under peace. This is what I believe. 

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This article has 1 comment.

lizzy9 said...
on May. 26 2016 at 2:41 pm
Amazing article Maia!!!