Patience Is a Virtue | Teen Ink

Patience Is a Virtue

December 12, 2016
By BobbyHobby BRONZE, Cedar City, Utah
BobbyHobby BRONZE, Cedar City, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My mom always says patience is a virtue. Well it was one I didn’t want to learn. Sometimes we learn different things in the weirdest way. It could be with family or friends. You could even learn it by yourself. I noticed in my short thirteen and a half years of life that most of the time experiences with others help you realize important lessons that you never would have thought of on your own. Well patience is a virtue that certainly doesn’t come easily to me. We can always learn from others and our own mistakes though.

“When is the turkey going to be done?” I asked impatiently. The turkey is always the most important part of the meal I thought. It you eat Thanksgiving dinner without the turkey it's like walking around without underwear. It's just gross and annoying. Its also like eating without a plate at your grandma's house. It's just weird and not normal. I was pretty upset when it didn’t get done, but we all make mistakes. . . some are just bigger than others. . . and happen to ruin a good Thanksgiving dinner. It’s ok though. It taught me an important lesson. I have not been very patient in life. It's always some I wanted to learn I just never got around to it. I sat down and started to watch t.v.

“The turkey just got done!” said my great grandma. We call her granny.

“It did?” replied my mom. Granny had forgotten to turn on the oven. It was a bit of a puzzle that the turkey got finished so late because the rolls had gotten done in time for dinner.  It was eight o'clock at night and we had finished dinner about three hours ago, and were watching Man of Steel. My granny is a great cook when she uses the cooking instruments in the right way. My dad took the fat turkey out and cut it. We all tried it. We had it with pumpkin pie, apple pie and pumpkin cheesecake. It tasted really good. The turkey was really moist and had an excellent texture. The homemade stuffing tasted even better. If only we had it during the thanksgiving dinner. That was the only flaw with our turkey. It would have sealed the deal. My dad’s cousins and had left. So had his sister. So our family wasn't there to try it just us. I walked into the kitchen and tried a little bit.

“Mmmm, this is good.” I said with an approving look. It was truly the best. I grabbed a plastic spoon out drawer snuck a little homemade stuffing while my dad wasn’t looking. I shoved the spoon in my mouth and savored the delicious flavor. My granny had out done herself by far. I threw the spoon away and grabbed a plate of turkey my dad had put out for me. I ate it with apple pie because I don’t like pumpkin pie. I guess the apple pie wasn’t that good either, but then again I’m a picky eater and I don’t like a lot of things. That night helped me remember a lot of important things.

In Conclusion, I learned an important lesson because of a turkey. It's ok to make mistakes. We all do it so we don’t need to criticize. I’m still very far from perfection and patience. Lessons take place anywhere any time. My family helps me realize that. We all need to work on what we do. As my mom always said, patience is a virtue.

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