Life | Teen Ink


December 14, 2016
By shaunaa.alexiaa BRONZE, Houston, Texas
shaunaa.alexiaa BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


Life is a gift; when you open it for the first time, you think this isn’t what I wanted, and can I take it back and get a refund? Think of life like those stock bonds grandmothers tend to give out around the holidays. At first it seems worthless but after a couple years it turns into something of value. You have to give life time to work itself out. No one can choose the life that is given to them when they arrive into this world. The girl into class who barely eats because her parents can’t afford to buy food didn’t decide that was how her life is going to be. The kids who constantly get picked on at school because of the clothes they wear didn’t choose not to be able to afford the nicer things. The people who are born and labeled as a “minority” didn’t decide to be that way. It was given to them without their approval or disapproval. Life doesn’t let you choose.

Life is a gift, whatever you decide to pout and cry because you didn’t get what you wanted or be grateful you were given it is up to you. You may not be able to decide the life you are given at birth doesn’t mean you can’t decide the way your life turns out. Don’t fall as a victim and try to make others feel bad for you. Take it upon yourself to change your life for the good. Work hard to have the life you believe you deserve. If you aren’t willing to do it for yourself don’t expect anyone else to. The change in your life starts with you, you have to take action. You have enough time to make the changes that need to be made you just have to take advantage of it.
Life is a gift; be grateful for it or cry about it, either way life will go on.

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