Trump's Influential Corruption | Teen Ink

Trump's Influential Corruption

December 22, 2016
By NateEli BRONZE, Maplewood, New Jersey
NateEli BRONZE, Maplewood, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In the past couple months, our country has been cheering on a gladiator fight between two people, Donald Trump, then the Republican candidate and now the President- elect, and Hillary Clinton, Democratic candidate. Each of these candidates came to the battle with different backgrounds, one, a businessman, real estate mogul, and a TV host. The other, a past Senator, Secretary of State, and First Lady. Donald Trump ended up winning due to the Electoral College, a group of people voting based on the popular vote in their state. According to US Election Atlas, Hillary Clinton actually received almost three million more votes nationwide then President- elect Trump, but some states with more electoral votes went towards Trump. As a result of his history, his current amount of resources, and the resources he will be gaining, it is evident that Donald Trump will abuse his power as President and in addition, oppress those that he does not like.

Foremost, part of the reason that some people are worried that he will abuse his power as President is that he has a history of exploiting others when possible. Some people have even started to revolt against him using collective power. The article “What Donald Trump Knew About Undocumented Workers at His Signature Tower” from Time Magazine states, “For six months, undocumented Polish laborers had been clearing the future site of Trump Tower, his signature real estate project on Manhattan’s Fifth Avenue, where he now lives, maintains his private offices and hosts his presidential campaign.” Due to the fact that these were undocumented workers, if they did something Trump did not agree with, he could report them to immigration services. Owing to this power, they lived in fear of getting deported. This is an example of abusing his power; exploiting others and then threatening them.

To add on, this is not the only time Mr. Trump has done this. Multiple companies have claimed that they did a project for him and were cheated out of their full, or any of their pay, out of fear of a lawsuit. Another Time Magazine article, “How Hillary Clinton Is Hitting Donald Trump’s Business Record on Two Fronts,” talks about an ad from the Clinton campaign featuring an architect who was not fully paid by Trump after designing the Trump National Golf Club clubhouse. After releasing the ad, Clinton articulated, “He didn’t just take advantage of investors. He took advantage of working people as well.” When Clinton said this, she voiced to everyone listening that he took advantage of everyone possible, even average people, not only big investors. People are worried that a man who has done such despicable actions could lead the country in a bad direction, and hurt more people then he’s helping.

Currently, Donald Trump has a large array of skills and resources that help him exploit others. Forbes says that as of September 2016, Trump’s net worth is $3.7 billion. This came after his reportedly $4.5 billion net worth went down about $800 million. This means that if a worker says that he/she wants to be paid in full, when Trump does not want to, or threatens a lawsuit, his lawyers can show the worker the fact that he could sue them for much more and he would probably win, do to financing better lawyers. According to Cable News Network (CNN), he is involved in many businesses; some of which are his and some not. This means that he will be raking in even more money than he already has. CNN states that he has a hand in more than 550 ventures. From this it is evident that he currently holds quite a lot of power and influence in different companies, which he can abuse if he wants to.

Contrary to popular belief, the President does not have unlimited power, but that does not mean that he/she does not have a lot. The National Public Radio (NPR) podcast Talk of the Nation talks about what powers the President has. A caller named Jim answered their question (Does it really make all that much of a difference, or at least as much difference as we sometimes tell ourselves, who gets elected President on November 6?) about the 2012 election. He said it was important, because whoever is the President has the ability to to pick and choose Supreme Court justices who have the ability to  change years of legislation. Other callers answered similarly in saying that there were certain aspects of the country that the President has quite a bit of power over. Whoever the President picks for the Supreme Court will most likely agree somewhat with him/her which means it will be somewhat biased. The President also has all the nuclear codes and other types of army power, which means that he/she controls if we start a war or not. With these powers, the President could use his/her authority to threaten other countries that they have a personal problem with, or any other group of people that they have disagreements with, which would definitely be an abuse of power.

In addition, the President also influences the children of America. Paula Dvorak, from The Washington Post, wrote an article on the effect of Trump’s statements on children. It said, “Trump’s vitriol is making it off the campaign trail and into the lingua franca of children at an alarming rate. Just watch coverage from Trump rallies to hear the next phrases kids will be slinging at school.” Teachers having been hearing his slogans echoing throughout schools. His ideals have been practiced by children as young as third graders. Donald Trump’s hateful comments have spread to schoolchildren who are our future. This means his messages will be the future, which most of us do not want at all.

Furthermore, Evelyn Momplaisir reported on her Facebook that two boys in her son’s class decided to point out the immigrants that would go once Donald Trump became president, and were pointing and laughing at him because of the color of his skin (Dvorak). Due to the fact that Trump has all of his rallies televised by the news, and because it is possible to find them on the internet, his words have gotten into the minds of children. This is especially dangerous because children are the future of the country, and of the world. If children think that we should do everything he says, we will have to wait generations for our country be fixed.

In conclusion, it is very possible that Donald Trump will abuse his power as President because he is known to have done it before, he has the resources to do it currently, and when he becomes the President he will have even more of an ability to do so. That’s why I’m calling on you to do everything possible to stunt any damaging work he will do, to reduce the amount of problems we will have to fix in four years. In the past eight years, our country has made a lot of progress politically and socially. Our country is a democracy which means that the people can work to make make a change that will benefit them. Please work with others to make sure Donald Trump does not abuse his power.



Calabresi, Massimo. "What Donald Trump Knew About Undocumented Workers at His Signature
Tower." Time. Time, 25 Aug. 2016. Web. 16 Dec. 2016.

Dvorak, Petula. "The 'Trump Effect' Is Contaminating Our Kids - and Could Resonate for Years." The
Washington Post. WP Company, 7 Mar. 2016. Web. 16 Dec. 2016.

Frizell, Sam. "How Clinton Is Hitting Trump's Business Record on Two Fronts." Time. Time, 7 July
2016. Web. 16 Dec. 2016.

Howell, Kellan. "Donald Trump’s Companies Sought to Import 1,100 Immigrant Workers: Report."
The Washington Times. The Washington Times, n.d. Web. 16 Dec. 2016.

"How Much Power Does The PresidentReally Have?" NPR. NPR, 15 Oct. 2012. Web. 16 Dec.

Leip, David. "2016 Presidential General Election Results." 2016 Presidential General Election
Results. David Leip, n.d. Web. 16 Dec. 2016.

"The Definite Networth of Donald Trump." Forbes. Forbes Magazine, n.d. Web. 16 Dec. 2016.

Week, This. "A Peek at Donald Trump's Finances." CNNMoney. Cable News Network, 19
May 2016. Web. 16 Dec. 2016.

The author's comments:

I'm an eighth grader from South Orange Middle School in South Orange New Jersey. I live with my parents, my sister, Isadora, and my dog Sweeney.

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This article has 0 comments.

JKRGP said...
on Jan. 1 2017 at 1:43 am
Well argued. Do you have any specific suggestions for people your age about what activities they can engage in to prevent the potential abuses you have described?

Ned12345 said...
on Dec. 31 2016 at 6:22 pm
I like your use of source material! Very compelling article.