What Freedom Means To Me | Teen Ink

What Freedom Means To Me

January 27, 2017
By suezalmighty BRONZE, Centennial, Colorado
suezalmighty BRONZE, Centennial, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Suicide doesn't end the pain, it just passes it onto someone else." James Kirkup
"Life is pain, life's not fair." Julia Brennan
"You can observe the world from the window and think you know everything then step outside and realize you don't." Me

Freedom is your own meaning. It needs to be built upon your imagination, should consist of your dreams, your direction. We all find our freedom in things we love most. Being free is not that you can do anything you want, it is being able to recognize that you are individual, accepting that nobody else can shape you. Inner beauty and knowing who you are can set you free. Letting go, feeling your deepest emotions that the world will never see, that you can barely understand yourself. Freedom is being surrounded by people that truly know you. Freedom is trusting with all your soul, not shallow trust but being a whole person. Raw emotions that could destroy the world with one breath. Basking in your self-created uniqueness. Showing the world what you can do and not being afraid to let go. Release the inner soul within-that is freedom and that is what we will all find. We must learn to stop these petty arguments within ourselves to hold back and hide. Be humble, do not discredit yourself with what you are capable of. Remember the most important things in life and always hold on but let go to what does not matter. Living without regrets, making decisions for better or for worse but in the end love what you have done with your life and release all the pain, love, suffering, hope and just be. The purest form of freedom is yourself and knowing that in the end, you will not stay in the past. To truly be free, you must shed the temporary layers of our human form and just live, each of us raw and perfect in our own way. We are all gods in human form and freedom is Nirvana. Once we reach freedom, life is complete.

The author's comments:

This was originally an assignment for Social Studies class but grew over time to become a very strong opinionated piece just for myself. Now I am ready to share it with the world and I hope that people will read it and realize the truth of this piece. Freedom means something different to all of us and even though this is my opinion, that doesn't mean that freedom can't mean something different to everybody else. We are all our own person.

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