Beauty | Teen Ink


September 24, 2017
By StephanieLiu BRONZE, Beijing, Other
StephanieLiu BRONZE, Beijing, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The definition of beauty has many aspects.  The dictionary identifies three aspects of beauty: beautiful, a good appearance, niceness.  I also think that beauty is an obligation our lives.

A good view, an amazing painting, a fabulous dress, or even a colorful life… many beautiful things can make us have wonderful lives, amazing thinking, and a good mood.

Everyone wants to look good and beautiful, because somebody else might it find pleasant to look at us.  Then, we can focus but it also puts us in a good mood and makes us more confident. Making someone feel beautiful can exhibit themselves.

Beauty cannot just include external beauty, because there is more beauty inside. For example, beautiful Snow White, in the fairytale, did not want to hurt any animals, and was honest and kind to the dwarfs. Her example demonstrates a good mood and confidence. This kind of inside beauty has many examples; another example is Cinderella, the daughter of the sea, and the princess Belle.  Those girls not only possessed internal beauty, but also had external beauty and clever brains. Every rule has exceptions, however; for example, in Beauty and the Beast, the beast is ugly, but in his heart, he is a really kind person. Sometimes, it is not just external qualities that count as “beauty”.

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