Thank You, Veteran | Teen Ink

Thank You, Veteran

March 9, 2018
By Anonymous

Dear Vietnam Veteran,

Right now, you’re on your way home from Washington D.C. and what was hopefully an amazing experience for you. Of course, this was only one day and could never repay you for the countless days you spent serving your country. Now it’s time that you were served. I hope this 
flight and the welcome home are able to honor you in the way you deserve.

I’m a senior in high school, and I’m at a turning point in my life where I am able to choose my path. I’m thinking about college and I can only imagine what it would be like to be taken overseas at this age and to have my life change like yours did.

I have three uncles who served in Vietnam, and I know it challenged them. Just like you, they gave up what they knew and left it behind to serve the greater good. You along with your fellow soldiers served this country in the most heroic way possible.

I appreciate the fact that you were able to commit day after day to a cause that was important to this country. Your bravery and determination inspires me. Because of your service, I have pride in being a part of this country. Thank you for answering the call of the military and for standing up for people you don’t even know.

The truth is, there is no way I can completely understand what you went through or what you felt. However, I am thankful for your sacrifice. You are leaving my generation with a legacy of commitment, determination, and heart. Your service will not be forgotten.

      Thank you

The author's comments:

I've interviewed a handful of veterans and it's incredible to see how their lives have been changed through their service. 

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