Mid-Term Election Analysis | Teen Ink

Mid-Term Election Analysis

December 7, 2018
By Anonymous

Equal representation in the Senate is something that does not limit democracy, but is, in fact, something that gives evidence of a thriving democracy and one that is being utilized to its fullest potential by the people living in that democracy. The most prominent element of a democracy is the people’s right to vote and that right is evidently exercised by a diverse population when there is equal representation between the two political parties in the Senate. When there are a roughly equal amount of Republicans and Democrats in the Senate, it is a positive things for our government because there is a balance in the decision making and everyone’s political voice can be heard and not overpowered by one group. Through equal representation most everyone’s political views can be present in the Senate and there can be an equal way of making laws and getting things done more efficiently and fairly in the government.

To gerrymander is to divide political units up that gives a group of people an unfair advantage, so inherently gerrymandering poses a challenge to complete democracy in limiting people by giving some a bigger advantage in the voting process than others. Gerrymandering can make voters feel like their voice doesn't count or doesn't matter because of the favor it gives to a certain political party that has control over the area that certain people live in. Because of this it makes people feel that this process does not fully encompass what it means to partake in a democratic system or that it does limit democracy in not giving everyone a fair advantage. It limits democracy because one party has continued domination over a region which makes people belonging to the other party feel as if their vote and their voice don't matter.

A single member district is one in which representatives are chosen by the popular majority which neglects a portion of the district and, in turn, is a limit that has been placed on democracy. Districts which are so small, as a result of gerrymandering, sometimes only have one representative which can be viewed as unfair because then only one party represents a whole state depending on the state’s majority party. Through this, the people in a certain district belonging to the other party are not represented. Those in office are also those who create the district lines and they are created to benefit their own party which also limits the representation of the other party. If there is only one representative, then only one party is represented which limits the fundamental ideas of democracy.

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