Sleep for Teens | Teen Ink

Sleep for Teens

January 18, 2019
By Wildkyle BRONZE, Mukwonago, Wisconsin
Wildkyle BRONZE, Mukwonago, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Many people believe that school systems should implement new rules that make kids wake up later. Many students at the end of the day are drained, and can’t focus.

Reaching out to my good friend Cade Scheideman, and asked him “ Cade why are you so tired at the end of the day.” His response was “I’m tired during the day because there are a lot of tests, and it overwhelms my mind. When it’s time to read in Language Arts my mind has to have a break. I don’t fall asleep in class though.” This is just one of the many students that think classes should start later.

According to the Children's National Website they say “Less sleep negatively impact teens’ grades, and increase tardiness according to Dr. Owens.” It appears as schools are setting up students for failure with these early start times.

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