Students at PVMS are Having a Hard Time Making an Important Decision | Teen Ink

Students at PVMS are Having a Hard Time Making an Important Decision

January 18, 2019
By debomadd BRONZE, Mukwonago, Wisconsin
debomadd BRONZE, Mukwonago, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A student was seen walking to class yesterday when suddenly, she had to pee. There were two minutes left of passing time, and she was uncertain if she would be able to pee and get to class on time in the remaining minutes.

Students should be able to pee and get to class on time, but because we only have four minutes of passing time, that option isn’t available for a lot of students here at Park View. This is a huge issue because holding in your pee can lead to urinary tract infections, which aren’t fun to deal with.

I know that a lot of teachers don’t like when students go to the bathroom during class and suggest that they do it before, but do they really know how short four minutes can be to a student? You leave class in the blue hallway, get your materials in the tan, and get to class on time in the red hallway AND go back to the bathroom for at least a minute? No way. By that time, you’d get a tardy only because you had to pee.

I know that one reason why we don’t make our passing time longer is that some students goof off in the hallway, but that’s really only a few students. Many students, including myself, have to pee a lot and find it hard to pee during class because you don’t want to miss an important lesson. Also, many teachers don’t allow students to go during a lesson or when he/she is saying something important. This is just one of the many reasons why we should lengthen our passing time.

If we make passing time at least five minutes, students will without a doubt be able to pee and get to class in time. Not only will this benefit the students, but the teachers too. If we lengthen our passing time, fewer students will need to go to the bathroom during classes. This means that teachers will be able to teach their classes without interruption. It’s a win-win situation!

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