Two Worlds | Teen Ink

Two Worlds

February 13, 2019
By TeenInk04 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
TeenInk04 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The story’s establishment is what provokes the main issue in the story line. Thanks to Veronica Chambers and her book The Go-Between we’re able to observe the stereotypical problems in society. The book is set in the point of view of a young immigrant going through struggles in a new country. The stereotyping of Mexican citizens and disturbance the main character Camilla, has to overcome while listening to racist comments and how locals perceive a certain culture. The story’s establishment, one of the main element of the storyline, and triggering point of the critical conflicts occuring. New country means new perspective, and not everyone’s opinions are practically worthwhile. Camilla had to go through the stereotyping of a typical hispanic by local people of America. A person’s way of living is indeed a fact that can be learned, but the reality isn’t easily accessible.

People have different lives to live. Depending on their class range, job, age, race, gender, etc.In Camilla’s case, as daughter of a famous celebrity mother, was basically born into a luxurious living. All Camilla wanted was an average life, with friends who didn’t care about her family's wealth and popularity.This reflects on how people who are victims of stereotyping are the same humans who want to live their life, until someone decides to speak about their culture and make assumptions, just by their appearance, language spoken, or nationality. A fitting saying towards these comments; “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover”. But of course Camilla wasn't very aware about how stereotyping could cause such an inconvenience. Pretending, and having a “Hispanic” character, a “Chola”. Hispanics are just seen as lower class people along with a couple more races.

Mexicans, known as people who come from across the border, a place of poverty, or not necessarily successful humanity. Of course these types of situations have a percentage of accuracy, depending on the person's roots. For example, Mexico City, the highest class and modern city in the country of Mexico,containing several doctors, high standard colleges, wealthy people,white collar jobs etc. On the other hand, people who come from a little towns, “pueblos” or “ranchos” could unfortunately have financial troubles, family issues or just having a tough time trying to live more exceedingly. A common stereotypical question to ask a Hispanic, did you cross the border to get here? For instance “We didn’t mean to imply that you snuck across the border, crawling on your belly under a barbed wire. Though, I will say that’s how my nanny Cresencia, got here” (Chambers 91)  Some immigrants have forcingly chosen to cross the border for the opportunity of trying to find a more beneficial way of living, so their children can have better careers and hopefully succeed. Woefully, the saying is still used around society as a “joke”and it’s unfortunately ruining humanity, and a serious topic to be joking with. The anticipations of a moment we’ll experience that will make us rethink the destruction in this society.

 If we were to witness an epiphany moment, it could give us hope of a new perspective. The thought of a tranquil country in which color, race, language, age, class, etc.  aren’t barriers that stops us from having a secure feeling when around a diverse community. With the society we have nowadays, it will take a while for a miracle to ever happen. As Camilla's first time hearing all the racist comments about her culture,“I was incredulous, and fascinated”(Chambers 91), she experienced the subdued feeling of locals talking about her people. But overall the character that suffered the greatest by the pessimistic comments was Milly. Although she lived with an average Hispanic family that wasn’t exactly wealthy or underprivileged, she hated the thought of Camilla hiding her genuine identity and pretending to be a typical Mexican immigrant, a mother as a maid, father who’s a gardener, and a student with a scholarship. Unfortunately they’re some immigrant parents who never taught their children their national language due to embarrassment or being afraid that their children would get bullied. Parents didn’t want their own children to take part of their nationality.

Camilla’s struggles had started when she moved to a new country and people started treating her at school due to her ethnicity, and the stereotypical questions.  Thankfully, during the story, she had gathered enough courage to respond back to the racism and realized how it ruins people. We’re being brainwashed with everything we see on TV, news about other cultures, this usually encounters negative news. For example, people thinking that immigrants are coming to America just to steal jobs. The Go-Between is a book that’s able to portray the reality of racism and discrimination. Highlighting the struggles of how people are judged because of their race, which could potentially ruin their life, and point of view towards other races which will cause more hate and violence. People within society should actually take time to learn about other people, and ignore the barriers of differences. Appreciate and  acknowledge, cultural beauty.

The author's comments:

This is an essay talking about critical problems happening nowadays created by humanity and how it has effect towars other lives. 

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