Who’s More Important | Teen Ink

Who’s More Important

February 13, 2019
By Anonymous

Save me a seat is a book by Gita Varadarajan and Sarah Weeks. It’s about two boys named Ravi, and Joe. What happens is Ravi is a transfer student from India and he has trouble adapting to the new school he’s at. While Joe has been at the school is entire life. They both find they have a common enemy and become friends to take care of the bully. Ravi is the more important character because he is from outside the country, he has more story interaction, and because he has more character development.

Ravi is not from the United States as he is an immigrant from India. This plays a large role because he does not know too much about the United States. When he went to an American school for the first time, he didn’t know about his accent, he thought he could speak perfect English. This makes him more important because he has to learn and adapt, while Joe has been living in the United States his entire life. Ravi had to learn to accept that things in America were different than India. An example of this is when Ms.Beam, his teacher, keeps telling him to fix the way he talks and writes even when he thought he could speak and write perfect English. He didn’t know too much about the American culture and this can be seen when he questioned what American chili was like. Throughout the book, he always brought up the Indian counterpart to something. But because he is so new, he also has to learn and interact with more students to grow his understanding.

In the story, Ravi runs into more problems and situations than Joe who sits back and acts shy. Ravi is ambitious and that’s why he gets into more situations. Ravi wanted to sit next to a kid named Dillon who was the popular kid in the school and had to overcome a lot of things to do it. Ravi talks to the teacher more often and says more to his parents and his classmates. Ravi interacted with the students in his school, his teachers, his parents and himself more than Joe did throughout the book. Ravi also interacted with his teachers more by asking to go up and write on the board. This is different from the rest of the students that weren’t too ecstatic about writing on the board. He ran into more things because he’s different and because he’s from India. This is important because that’s where he’s from and the authors say a lot about it to show that Ravi is different.

In the book, Ravi is given a whole backstory and several references to life in India throughout the book. He talks about himself as of the best and that nobody is better. He starts the book off with lots of arrogance and thinking that school in America will be easy. But, he soon learns that that is not the case. Ravi has a whole backstory while Joe only has a small amount of context behind his name. Ravi tells the tale about his family and his long last name and what he did back in India and this is important because it highlights that he’s a lot different than everybody else.

Ravi is an Indian student that transferred to a school in America because of a work opportunity for his dad. He and another kid named Joe are the main characters in the story but Ravi is more important than Joe. This is for reasons considering that Ravi was different from everyone, he had more activity and relevance throughout the story, and because he was better developed than Joe. Not to say Joe isn’t important, but that Ravi is a bit more important than Joe. Whether one was supposed to be more important or not, Ravi took the lead in story development.

The author's comments:

It’s about he book save me a seat and who is statistically more important in the story.

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