My Backyard | Teen Ink

My Backyard

December 2, 2021
By autejwani BRONZE, Peoria, Arizona
autejwani BRONZE, Peoria, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Ah! Shoot! My feet turn red from walking on the forest green, and artificial shrubbery. It feels like I am being branded by the irons of the ground. Black flecks of rubber fly out of the ground where I walk. Yet I am glad that there are no ants, for even they know the blazing miniscule forest burns too hot for them. In many works of literature this wave of green is portrayed as a dew filled ocean of green. Yet the utopic sea of emerald is forced to succumb to the will of the Arizona heat. However, the terrible heat distracts me from noticing it's perfect oval shape.

As I walk around I enter long spectral shadows formed by these tall trees. They are almost like warriors looking over the burning sea of green from the shadows. When the hot waves of air enter these trees, they turn into a refreshing cool breeze. Their smell is that of the trees in the North even though they reside in the scalding saharan desert. They have a certain resiliency yet welcoming personality that attracts people to their cool arms. However the trees hurt when they are touched for they hide in their coffers, a beautiful, stout, brown trunk and its branches. The trees defend their treasure for good reason for in these branches resides a complex world of its own. 

On the branches, in a turmoiled array of twigs, grass, and twine, in a peaceful white orb lives a small bird. Its mother is away scouring the deepest reaches of the earth for food. It is guarded by the tree and its armor of thin, painful leaves. However this defenseless sphere is desired by all. A large bird swoops down from the sky, the sharp gleam of its eye focused on the egg, ready to steal it. Yet the tree defends the bird’s child as if it was its own. A small crack shows up on the egg. Another soon follows. Then out comes a small black ball of fuzz. The mother bird comes back with a smorgasbord of fresh insects for the small bird.

Soon the entire sky is consumed by darkness, as if grey watercolors bled into the bright blue canvas, and small beads of water drizzle from the sky. I breathe a sigh of relief and fall to the grassy earth. I hear absolutely nothing. There are no cars, no people, and no animals. Just the pitter patter of the droplets from the sky. The tension in my muscles escapes my body and I breathe a sigh of relief. It is no longer hot outside. All of the flowers bloom in the rain. I see all the colors imaginable. The colors of the flowers take over and invade the grey splotch of the sky. The plants now look like colorful stars. I look up and right above me is a half-ring of vivid colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. I lie on the ground amazed at how both the sky and the earth suddenly become beautiful when there is darkness.

I found a small and plain dirt patch. There are flowers a plenty with fruits and vegetables growing all around. But when I look a little closer, I see a red life form covered in an array of black spots. It has wings yet it does not fly. It walks around to the beads of water searching for something. Then an orange one comes. This one is a little bit paler and smaller. It flies over to the red one and I observe them wiggle their antennas at the frequency of the wings of a hummingbird. Now I see a tall skinny green insect. It looks like an old man who is praying. However, this peaceful looking insect scares the colorful bugs and they fly away. I guess things are not always as they seem. This supposedly peace-bringing entity brought danger to the bugs.


I hear a crackle. A red hot wave of fury engulfed several logs of wood. Sparks and embers glow throughout the night sky. A small drop of a white sugary substance falls to the middle; it soon turns black and leaves nothing except the sound of a sizzle. A small human takes the remnants of the gooey substance and eats it off a stick like a caveman. Another person takes the substance and sticks it in between two crackers made of graham flour and adds a small chunk of another sweet substance. However, the new substance was dark brown and as rich as a king. The face on the small children proves that looks are sometimes deceiving. The glutenous white glob mixed with rich sugar and crackers turned out to be something beautiful and delicious.

Then I hear a clink of glasses and notice several adults enjoying the fresh air near the flame. They too enjoy sugary treats. They eat a variety of meat roasted on a grill. I see chicken wings and salmon. I inhale the welcoming aroma and enjoy the assortment of food with the rest of the people.

The author's comments:

I wrote this essay to describe my backyard without actually telling readers what I am describing. This essay describes my favorite place with figurative language.

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