Can artificial intelligence really benefit our future? | Teen Ink

Can artificial intelligence really benefit our future?

March 19, 2022
By kevin0117 BRONZE, Woodbury, New York
kevin0117 BRONZE, Woodbury, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Artificial intelligence is oftently used in our daily lives, such as smartphones,
digital assistants, and even self-driving and parking vehicles. Those intelligence
machines can’t do everything like a human being and it can’t replace humans. However,
if one day that computer scientists had succeeded in developing intelligence machines
that can do everything better than human beings, it would become a big disaster and
even lead to the extinction of the human race. If those machines are created, humans
will rely on those machines and there will be no human effort necessary. If that happens,
there will either be two cases. One is that those machines will make their own decisions
without control of the human, or else those human’s control over the machines will be
retained. Once those machines get rid of all the control by humans and they can make
their own decisions, then those machines can change all humans' fate, because they
can do anything they want. It might be said that if humans don’t give them enough rights
to make decisions that can vary our lives, there won’t be any problems. However, as
years and human populations increase, there will be more problems in our society.
Once humans can not handle these problems, we will be relying on those intelligence
machines, because they can make better decisions than humans and they can handle
problems more easily because of their accurate calculation. Although we can control
those machines by giving them less right to do things and make decisions, we will still
be relying on them, just because those machines can bring us better results than
humans can. As a result, as we use and rely on those machines more and more, we are
incapable of making wise decisions, and it will bring those machines to the spot that can
control everythings. Even more terrifying is that human beings can’t even turn those
machines off, because we are overly relying on them. If we turn them off, that means all
the human beings have to do everything just like those machines did. That is carely not
possible because as time increases, humans will handle more and more problems to
those machines and forget how to solve those problems. On the other hand, it is
possible that humans can have a good control of those machines and keep it well.
Nonetheless, as more machines appear, it will replace humans for certain jobs, so,
more people will be unemployed, and there will be more people on the bottom of the
social classes that are poor. Furthermore, more of the controls over large machines will
be in the hands of very little groups of people, those people are usually the elite in
society. Those groups of people will have absolute power of controlling the world, so the
world is no longer balanced. No matter what, one thing can be for sure, that technology
can bring us new environment and troubles. If we can not adjust to this new
environment by changing it artificially, we would have to adapt it through a long painful
process of natural selection, and it is abesly better to change it artificially by ourselves.

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