My Name Means Adventure | Teen Ink

My Name Means Adventure

November 30, 2012
By austinarshem BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
austinarshem BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My name means adventure. I drink in the adrenaline of the unknown. When I’m far away, I’m most at home. Exploring. Absorbing the strange sights and sounds of a foreign land, that’s when I feel alive.
I don’t know when my desire to travel ignited. It may have been a product of my growing up. Always the new kid in school, I hated moving to new cities. What was a curse then, has become my passion now.
Last summer, my wanderlust was fulfilled. It began in June, with a class trip to the historic cities of Germany. Next, I found myself long-boarding along the beaches of Southern California. I then migrated to Appalachia, where I worked in the sticky heat for days. Finally, August came and I was trekking lush islands at the southern part of Ireland. Although this may seem like too much for one summer, to me life is an adventure and it should be embraced whenever opportunity presents itself.
It is quieter now. School and responsibilities keep me tethered to my home, my family, and my friends. Routines and familiarity are the order of the day. Soon though, my drive to explore will call out to me again. I don’t know where it will lead me next. It will likely be college campus miles from home, or perhaps another excursion abroad. Let the adventure begin

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