A Strive To Succeed | Teen Ink

A Strive To Succeed

December 12, 2012
By AbigailMA BRONZE, Okemos, Michigan
AbigailMA BRONZE, Okemos, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
omnes qui errant non pereunt

As soon as I have a free second I scan the water. As I see what is about to hit us, I can’t
believe I didn’t see it before. “Puff on!” I yell to Katie trying to push my voice above the howling
25-knot winds, but it’s too late. We both instinctively hike out further as the waves carried by the gale force winds unforgivingly hits my sail, threatening to throw us into a capsize and put us in
the realm of losing what seems like the most important race of my life. I quickly look away from
the water to glance at her, she has the same look in her eyes as always and I know she’s up for
any challenge I’m willing to put her through. Instead of letting the mainsheet out to try and avoid
capsizing, I hold my grounds and keep it steady.

The author's comments:
This is for a college essay to DePaul University and wherever else it takes me. I wrote it about one of my experiences at a place I've spent many summers at doing the thing I love most, sailing. Although it's just a beginning, I want to know if it sounds interesting enough to keep writing... would you want to keep reading? thank you for you time!

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