What do I look forward to in summer | Teen Ink

What do I look forward to in summer

May 29, 2013
By Anonymous

I can’t wait for the school year to end and the summer to start for a few reasons. I can’t wait for long, warm summer days playing outside and riding my bike with a soft warm breeze blowing in with the scent of fresh pine and grass. When I have the day to myself, I can’t wait to hang out with friends and take long walks through the Audubon hearing the sweet melody of frogs croaking and birds singing their beautiful songs. When night falls, I’ll still be outside sitting on a blanket Looking up at the stars that shine like a thousand diamonds and listening to soft symphony of crickets and the frogs beautiful sound dieing down for the night. When its time to go in, even though the door is closed, I will still be able to smell the sweet breeze of the outdoors. When the fourth of July comes around, I can’t wait to sit on my blanket and watch the fireworks explode in a wild and beautiful chorus of colors. And when it is time to leave I will always remember the amazing colors and the sweet taste of funnel cakes and ice cream and slushies. I also can’t wait to go horseback riding on my favorite lesson horse, Tucker. I can’t wait to take long nature walks exploring the beautiful and mysterious ravine that runs along our house. Hearing all sorts of amazing and interesting noises and sounds. And when it is too rainy to go outside I will read books until I can’t possibly read anymore. After that I will watch a movie and eat popcorn and drink soda to my hearts content. I can’t wait to go to see our cousins in California and go up to their ranch, everything near and around me flow like poetry even though it doesn’t look like it. When the leaves start losing their beautiful shades of green and change to the bright and honey colored leaves of autumn I will always remember everything I was able to do and when the school year comes into view I will face it head on and play my summer memories over and over again on an endless loop.

The author's comments:
I can’t wait for the school year to end and the summer to start for a few reasons. I can’t wait for long, warm summer days playing outside and riding my bike with a soft warm breeze blowing in with the scent of fresh pine and grass. When I have the day to myself, I can’t wait to hang out with friends and take long walks through the Audubon hearing the sweet melody of frogs croaking and birds singing their beautiful songs. When night falls, I’ll still be outside sitting on a blanket Looking up at the stars that shine like a thousand diamonds and listening to soft symphony of crickets and the frogs beautiful sound dieing down for the night. When its time to go in, even though the door is closed, I will still be able to smell the sweet breeze of the outdoors. When the fourth of July comes around, I can’t wait to sit on my blanket and watch the fireworks explode in a wild and beautiful chorus of colors. And when it is time to leave I will always remember the amazing colors and the sweet taste of funnel cakes and ice cream and slushies. I also can’t wait to go horseback riding on my favorite lesson horse, Tucker. I can’t wait to take long nature walks exploring the beautiful and mysterious ravine that runs along our house. Hearing all sorts of amazing and interesting noises and sounds. And when it is too rainy to go outside I will read books until I can’t possibly read anymore. After that I will watch a movie and eat popcorn and drink soda to my hearts content. I can’t wait to go to see our cousins in California and go up to their ranch, everything near and around me flow like poetry even though it doesn’t look like it. When the leaves start losing their beautiful shades of green and change to the bright and honey colored leaves of autumn I will always remember everything I was able to do and when the school year comes into view I will face it head on and play my summer memories over and over again on an endless loop.

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