Should Vaccines Be Required For Kids? | Teen Ink

Should Vaccines Be Required For Kids?

May 28, 2014
By ariel2013 BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
ariel2013 BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The main priority for America is to keep its population healthy and happy, which is why the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates all vaccines to ensure safety and effectiveness throughout the population. While it may seem to some that vaccines in children do more harm than good, they actually have a positive impact because of the vast amount of lives that vaccines have saved. In 1991, there was an outbreak of measles and seven unvaccinated children died. (National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program). These innocent children could have easily lived if they would have simply gotten vaccinated. Vaccines, if mandated for kids, have the potential to eradicate serious illnesses, and could be the difference between life and death.

Vaccinations have so many benefits: they benefit America’s health, economy, and save lives. “According to a report by researchers at the Pediatric Academic Society, childhood vaccinations in the US prevent 10.5 million cases of infectious illness and 33,000 deaths per year.” If vaccines were required for children, they could have a powerful impact on America as a whole. There would be amazing economic benefits; the money spent on vaccines would save the public even more in the medical costs that it would take to treat unvaccinated patients. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). Aside from the economic benefits, childhood vaccinations could defend against serious (but preventable) illnesses that could potentially lead to death. America as a whole would improve if childhood vaccines were required.

Although vaccines seem to have only positive effects on society, one cannot disregard that nothing is perfect. Vaccines can have many side effects, some include: permanent disability, death, immune system suppression, brain inflammation, and more. Vaccinations are also known to be associated with autism; there have been 5,500 cases of autism that could possibly have a correlation with vaccines (Health Resources and Services Administration). This could potentially put fear in the minds of parents; they begin to wonder if vaccinations have too high of a risk for their children and if vaccines are worth the risk. Some also question if the death threat of vaccines is higher than the threat of disease, but these people shouldn’t be fearful. Vaccines are very safe and the threat of disease is larger than the small chance of its side effects.
Although some may think vaccines are unnecessary and too high risk, they are actually very necessary in the overall improvement of health in the population. If vaccines are mandated for children worldwide, America would become a healthier and safer place to live. America’s improvement is almost guaranteed. “According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, most childhood vaccines are 90-99% effective in preventing disease” (American Academy of Pediatrics). Some believe that the effectiveness of vaccines doesn’t outweigh the risk factor, but many chances of failure are not present. For example, in the case of Mead v. Secretary of Health and Human Services the theory that autism and vaccinations have a direct relationship is disproven. It is stated in this case that the theory of vaccines having a direct correlation with autism is not scientifically proven (US Court of Federal Claims). This along with other theories are scientifically unjustifiable, which should take the fear factor out of parent’s minds. Certainly, the only thing worth fearing is not getting children vaccinated because they are so vulnerable at their young age.

If America wants to clean up its health problems, one way to start is by mandating childhood vaccinations. It will improve society as a whole. The overall result of vaccinations is a healthy and happy community where no lives are lost due to unvaccinated citizens. This outweighs the small threat of side effects that vaccinations can cause. Vaccines save countless lives and one cannot risk the entire population’s safety and health for selfish reasons, fears, and doubts. Children and their families can begin a “health revolution” and get vaccinated voluntarily, spread word of the benefits of vaccines, and speak out against those who disagree with childhood vaccinations. In doing so, your child’s life and many others could be saved. Any action taken is a good way to start when good intentions are in mind. Vaccinations in kids is a great way to improve the overall health of America with such little effort; so much improvement can still be made. Children are the future of society, and the future must be healthy in order to keep society moving forward.

Bibliography: Cited Sources

American Academy of Pediatrics, "Why Does My Child Need to be Immunized?," (accessed Dec. 17, 2009)

Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia Vaccine Education Center, "A Look at Each Vaccine: MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella Vaccine),", Mar. 2008

Every Child By Two, "Economic Value of Vaccines," (accessed Jan. 11, 2010)

Health Resources and Services Administration, "About the Omnibus Autism Proceeding," (accessed Dec. 11, 2009)

National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), "Claims Filed and Compensated or Dismissed by Vaccine," (39 KB), Nov. 3, 2009

Neal A. Hasley, "Testimony Before the House Health and Government Operations Committee,", Feb. 22, 2005

Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, "About the VAERS Program," (accessed Jan. 6, 2010)

Zhou, et al., "Economic Evaluation of Routine Childhood Immunization with DTaP, Hib, IPV, MMR and Hep B Vaccines in the United States," Pediatric Academic Societies Conference, Seattle, Washingto

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