Fall & Winter | Teen Ink

Fall & Winter

November 20, 2014
By Marah Hasan BRONZE, Glendale, California
Marah Hasan BRONZE, Glendale, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The United States has unusual weathers in various states. For California, the fall and winter are rarely real. California hardly ever experiences a real winter with beautiful white snow with actual cold weather. The fall is exceptional, it rains once in a while and the mornings can be breezy as well as night falls. But, other than that the fall is not what the other part of the United States experiences, the west coast.


States like Indiana, Pennsylvania, and New York etc. have really heavy snow fall during the winter season. If enough snow falls and is considered heavy, students miss school. The kids get to play around and make snow angels, play snowball fights, and enjoy a hot cup of hot cocoa while looking outside the white world. Here in California, that will never happen on a regular daily basis in the winter. The most Californians can ever experience in the winter is rain every now and then in December.


Having a cold season is something that all Californians wish to have. In California, summer is basically experienced almost all year round. It’s always hot and the people never get to enjoy the beauty of the color white in winter. Watching other states experience snow is the closest that California can “experience” winter. Imagine the feeling of snowflakes melting on a person’s face giving them the chills and happiness at the same time. Wearing boots and heavy coats is something that Californians really wish to do daily throughout the chilly seasons.


Having rain, snow, hail, and thunder storms are beneficial for both people and the environment. California is currently in a drought and needs an abundant amount of water in order to be “environmentally” better. Everyone uses water; it’s what’s keeping us alive. Rain is beneficial for people because it can calm them down with the gentle taps on the roof or against the windows. When one is feeling stressed the rain can certainly affect them mentally relieving the stress. Having snow can be fun because it’s like a winter wonderland when the snow storms end and the snow are left behind. Making snowmen and having a snow fort for a snowball fight can connect families and friends together. Watching these movies during the Christmas time looks like a lot of fun which is unfortunately not seen here naturally in California.


Other than having actual snow and rain, the feeling of winter is heart-warming because of sitting by the fireplace holding hot chocolate all snuggled up watching a movie with friends and family. This experience is definitely going to memorable and remembered while being cherished as well. Having snow or rain daily during the winter is a blessing that many are fortunate to have. Hopefully the environment can get better and rain will fall during the cold seasons for many to enjoy.

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