Language of the Future: Emoji and Shortcut Words Does Not Make People Lazy | Teen Ink

Language of the Future: Emoji and Shortcut Words Does Not Make People Lazy

March 23, 2016
By KYang20 BRONZE, Ho Chi Minh City, Other
KYang20 BRONZE, Ho Chi Minh City, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Teenagers at the age of middle school and high school, they use a lot of social media to chat with people around us. Those teenagers uses emoji to express their feeling and they also learn different kinds of words that are short. For example “are” had been used as “r” and “you” have been used as “u”. Parents complain that if teenagers are using too much emoji and all the shortcut words, they feel like they’re just being lazy and not putting effort in writing. Emoji and shortcut words doesn’t make people lazy because it gives teenagers a chance to express how they feel and learn a new language of the future. Although a strong case would be made that it’s going to affect teenagers education, this is unconvincing because they are using those as socializing, not as education.
To start with, teenagers doesn’t have to use a lot of sentences to express their feeling, instead, they use emojis. This is because emojis shows different icons of faces so the person you are chatting knows what you are feeling today. “A picture is worth a thousand words.” For example, when your friend are being very annoying and saying a lot of bad things about you. Instead of using words to express how you feel, you can just put an angry emoji face ( “-_-” ) so that your friend know that you are angry. Another example is that when your friends are congratulating you of something special. Instead of typing back sentences and sentences, you can just put a happy emoji ( “:)” ) so that your friend knows that you are happy and appreciated the supportive compliments. Emojis are the best ways for teenagers to express feeling when socializing.
Moving on, emoji and shortcut words give teenagers a new language of the future for socializing. The reason is because teenagers likes to socialize with friends and they learn different kind of shortcut words and emoji to communicate with friends. For example, teenagers uses words like “u”, “r”, “y”, “lol”, etc. and uses emoji like “ :) ”, “ :( ”, “ xD ”, “ =) ”, etc. to communicate with friends and they never use full words to chat. Teenagers always remember these shortcut words and emoticons while chatting with friends, and that is because they use shortcut words and emoji is much easier and faster to reply to your friends. To sum up, emoji and shortcut words brings the future a new language.
Although some cases could be that that if teenagers keep using emoji and shortcut words, it will affect teenagers education. The evidence suggest that teenagers will forget all the effort of writing and just chat with friends using all the emoji and shortcut words. This shows the passage is really about how teenagers should really work more on giving the effort on writing instead of just go chat with friends. In addition, it’s not a great way to end your education without putting effort on writing. While it might be true that teenagers should focus on putting more effort on writing, my overall position doesn’t change because all teenagers put effort on writing and they only use emoji and shortcut words for communication on chatting. This evidence suggest that teenagers want to have a good education so that in the future, they can live a better life. In addition, they understand when to use emoji and shortcut words and when not to. After the argument, one can see that teenagers can understand whether or not to use emoji and shortcut words on chatting and education writing.
As you can see, teenagers aren’t lazy when they’re using emoji and shortcut words for chatting. Even though teenagers need to put effort on writing, they understand whether to use emoji and shortcut words on chatting and writing. Around the world, all teenagers know how to use emoji and shortcut words when chatting with friends. As a result, emoji and shortcut words doesn’t make teenagers lazy.

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