Rubble to Renewed | Teen Ink

Rubble to Renewed

April 4, 2016
By laurabrad21 BRONZE, Wexford, Pennsylvania
laurabrad21 BRONZE, Wexford, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Rubble to Renewed

With every beautiful area, comes tarnished and seemingly unusable buildings. These places are either occupied with random occupants, such as homeless people or animals,or left standing with no purpose whatsoever. These buildings, in fact, have anything but a positive impact on the space in which they take up. Not only do they negatively impact an area, but they serve no use to the environment as well. In addition to this, as the number of skyscrapers, stores, and neighborhoods increase, the number of trees, habitats, and the population of many species decrease. Though this is true, it could be subsided with the transformation of these idle constructions. With this intention, an area can only reach its full potential by transforming abandoned buildings into nature reserves that the entire community itself can use and benefit from.
It is a legitimate and unsettling fact that while the number of buildings increase, the number of trees and natural habitats decrease. That being the case, it is not impossible for these circumstances to change. Demolishing abandoned buildings and remodeling them into a reserve for these plants and animals can help to equal out the number of ecosystems brought down to those built up. Not only is this the case, but it also gives a plethora of species the chance to be undisturbed by other factors and can help them both to flourish. If these species do not have the opportunity to grow and live peacefully, the threat of extinction may come into question. Harvard biologist Edward O. Wilson and other known scientists estimate that, “half of the current species will be extinct by the year 2100”(How). This fact is a downside to any environment as well as the earth in general and will potentially affect biological diversity, cause a food chain disruption, and other factors. Also, nature reserves can function as a great environmentally educational place. This is especially important because in knowing the world and the ecosystems within it, people are able to take care of it and learn from it. This not only affects adults but children as well. American children ages 3 -12 spend 27 percent of their time each week watching television, and only 1 percent outdoors (Why). Educating kids about the environment can get them out of the house and generate hands on activities as well as active learning throughout the reserve. Furthermore, if a community decides to have people pay to enter into this nature reserve, the area can become economically stimulated by taking in money or donations. Along with this, the reserve could potentially need excessive help which can provide a great number of jobs for people that need them. This, in fact, can also help to stimulate the economy. All and all, if people decide to profit not only nature with a reserve but the surrounding community that interacts with it, the welfare of society itself will substantially escalate.
Regardless of the outstanding evidence that shows the pernicious effects of leaving these buildings to sit and whither with no purpose, many contend that there is no need for these buildings to be transformed, and that doing so would cost more money than needed. In truth, the cost of reconstruction would be pricey; however, the gains would diminish the costs in the long run. Coupled with the fact that this would profit today’s children and adults, renewing abandoned buildings would bring forth positive aspects to future generations as well.  Furthermore, the earth that, right now, is slowly being obstructed by deforestation and global warming, would gain nature reserves that would encourage environmental health and create safe environments for all types of species.
All things considered, it is sincerely shown that an area can only reach its full potential by transforming abandoned buildings into nature reserves that the entire community itself can use and benefit from. In fact, people, animals, insects, plants, and the earth as a whole would gain from the destruction of these buildings and the construction of nature reserves instead. In continuation of this, the preservation of animal and plant species, educational learning, and the providing of economic stability encompass only a few of the many gains in the creating of a nature reserve. In doing this, abandoned buildings and neglected spaces will finally strive and have the means to leave their mark on a community, environmental education would become more prominent, and the economy would stimulate dramatically. In living on this planet, it is the people’s duty to uphold and conserve nature to its’ fullest extent. In doing so, we, as humans, need to take action by using little steps, such as creating nature reserves out of rubble, to make a huge impact.



Works Cited
"How Do the Extinctions of Other Creatures Affect Humans Directly?" Science.
Opposing News, n.d. Web. 15 Nov. 2015.
"Why Environmental Education Is Important." Why Environment Education Is Important.
(Hofferth & Sadberg, 2001)
Project Learning Tree, n.d. Web. 15 Nov. 2015.

The author's comments:

This article is in dedictaion to the earth in which we inhabit. As long as we are on this planet, we should be taking care of it as much as we can. Even the little things can make a big impact. 

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