School | Teen Ink


April 16, 2016
By Anonymous

School is something that we all know and understand, as we all have to go there as children whether we like it or not. It means very different things to very different people, though. In the USA, any educational establishment can be described as a school, when as in the UK, school is a place you go to up to the age of 16. A school is also a group of fish, although we will focus on the educational establishment in this essay.
For me, school is primarily a place to learn and to improve my chances of success in my career and life as a whole. It’s a place to better myself, not just for the good grades, but for the satisfaction of knowing that I’m a better for going through it. School doesn’t just teach you facts and academic skills, but disciple, social and communication skills, leadership and so many more things too. Other people aren’t interested in what they can get out of school, though, and see it as a place to socialize, become popular, have lots of boyfriends or girlfriends and have a good time. Having friends and fitting in is probably an important part of school for everyone though, be they popular and carefree or hardworking and academic.
For some children and young people, school is so much more than these trivial things. School can be a place of safety, perhaps from an abusive home life, or for children in third world countries, as a way of avoiding dangerous manual labor from a young age and giving themselves the best chance to have a better future than they would have otherwise. For many such children, school can also be the place where they get their only hot meal of the day, or even their only meal full stop, and it offers the only opportunity they will ever have to learn to read and write, count and add up.
On the other hand, for some children, school can be the total opposite of a safe place. For those being bullied or perhaps even being abused by a teacher, school can be a living hell, a place that children and young people would do anything to avoid, even if it means getting in trouble. School can leave some youngsters feeling vulnerable, lacking in self-esteem and even totally hopeless about their lives.
In conclusion, there is no single definition that can be given to describe school. Although the basics of it are set (it’s a place where you go to learn), how it works, what it looks like, and what it means for different people can vary greatly. Ultimately, any definition of school will be dependent on the person’s own experience of it.

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