5 Things I should've Know as A Sophomore | Teen Ink

5 Things I should've Know as A Sophomore

May 2, 2016
By therealdior BRONZE, Germantown, Maryland
therealdior BRONZE, Germantown, Maryland
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Favorite Quote:
"You don't write because you want to say something, you write because you have something to say."- F. Scott Fitzgerald

Sophomore year is rumored to be the “whatever” for most students.  You're basically stuck in between your first year in high school (9th grade) and your most difficult year of high school (11th grade). As a junior, this year has treated me quite well, but there have been many obstacles that have prevented my full success. Many these obstacles wouldn’t have occurred if I had known such things as a sophomore. Here are 5 things, I wish I would’ve done as a sophomore:

5.  Did a lot over the summer

Most of my summers have been spent at various camps and leadership workshops. In my summer of freshman  year, I attended Maryland Leadership workshop and in my sophomore year summer I went to the National Student Leadership Conference and the Congress of Future Medical Leaders. Both experiences were amazing and I would do it again. However, I wish that I would’ve used my summers to be more creative and innovative. Instead of just going places and volunteering, I wish I would’ve  created a robot or make my own bake sale for cancer patients. By doing something like this, not only will it “look good” on your college application, but it will help you develop a sense of self.

4. Made an impact in the clubs

Yea, we’ve all heard that colleges love to see your extracurriculars and what you do outside of school. That’s no rumor at all, so don’t even try to argue. However, they want to see how well you contributed to the club more than which club you were in. For example, it’s better to join the basket weaving team if you have a genuine passion for it than the debate team just  because it looks good on your college application. Colleges would rather see you be the national champion at basket weaving than win/lose debates. In my case, I was a member of at least five clubs in my school but only made a lasting impact in one. The truth was that I was not really interested in a lot of the clubs that I was joining clubs and only joining because they were going to “look good” on my application. I could’ve found more clubs to join or made my own, but I was too concerned about what the colleges wanted and not what I wanted.

3. Closer bond to my teachers

Oh teachers, you either love them or hate them! In my case, I have had my luck with teachers as there are at least four teachers in my school that I have a very strong emotional and academic bond. However, sometimes it helps to get closer to teachers of not just one specific subject. My strengths lie in the humanities. But even with that, I still have a strong passion for science and scientific discovery. One of my reasons for not getting closer with my science or math teachers, was because I had a B in their class. In my mind, I believed that because I did not have an A in their class; I was not a good student. My advice is to form a closer bond with a diverse group of teachers than just a specific subject or a subject you’re good at. This will help give you more options for recommendations, and if your college asks for specific subjects for a recommendation.

2. Started studying for the SAT way ahead of time

Now, I know a lot of people will present a lot of myths about SAT but the harsh reality is the test is no joke. From what I know, it is a big deal when you are applying to college and you want to make sure your scores are the best. Currently, it is the biggest source of stress in my life. I did not really start studying for the SAT until summer of my sophomore year until January of my junior year. Now, I understand that some people might have not even studied, or not have studied that long but for me, that was not enough time. Luckily, the New SAT has come and the test seems better for me than the old SAT which is something to be grateful for. However, rising sophomore, I suggest you start studying NOW and make sure you are used to the test format. Buy the official New SAT book from the College Board and also practice on Khan Academy which has a lot of New SAT practice questions. It also helps to enroll in SAT tutoring centers in your area, if you are less of a self-studier.

1.Paid attention to my school’s grading scale

Sophomore year is your last chance to make a really big difference in your grades. The truth is after you have a lot of grades on your transcript, your GPA does not move significantly higher. For example, as a freshman, you have the most leeway in your grades because there are not many grades. This means you can start either really high or really low. Depending on your school’s grading scale, make sure that your semester grade equates to at least an A-. Your semester grade is the grade that is put on your transcript, not the quarter grade. For me, I did not know this information until the last semester of my sophomore year, which was way too late. My advice is to get way more A’s than B’s, and lay of the C’s, D’s, and F’s. If you have any questions about your grades or classes, make sure you talk to your counselor.

Despite my ignorance, I still have made a pretty decent high school career. Rising sophomores, forget all the myths you’ve heard! Forget them all! This year is just as important as all your other years in high school, so don’t make the same mistakes I did. I advise you to be strong and to take the initiative in your high school career. You’re at the halfway point, and high school will be over before you know, so make it count every step of the way.

The author's comments:

As a first person to attend American high school in my family, it is difficult for me to get information about to go about the college process. Without proper guidance, my parents and I have been foxtrotting with fact and fiction which makes the process harder. As I advance in my high school career,  I'm learning so much more and the process is getting better. I want to help those who are in the same position as me and help shed some light on this process.

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