Fiction Fake Out? | Teen Ink

Fiction Fake Out?

September 15, 2017
By Madsssss BRONZE, Mukwanago, Wisconsin
Madsssss BRONZE, Mukwanago, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A small school in the town of Mukwonago Wisconsin was impacted by outrageous news earlier this morning. Kailyn Sholtes, the english teacher recieved an email that left her students gaping. The Mukwanago school board had decided to remove all fiction literacy from classrooms as well as the school library.

“I was just thinking, ‘they can’t do this’” Says Jordan, an eighth grader. “Most students don’t like reading, but those who do, read fiction.”

Sholtes then walked through rows of solemn students, collecting their prized possessions, their books.

“They should be giving us books instead of taking books away from us!” Exclaims Emma, another eighth grader.

After collecting all the students books however, J.J says something that leaves everyone shocked. “How do you send an email to yourself?”

Everyone looks up at the board, and bursts out laughing. It was a fake email.

“It doesn't matter if its fake or not, write about it!” Sholtes says with a smile on her face. She had used it as a writing prompt. A very real writing prompt.

Sholtes admitted to have used this as a learning experience for her students. “See, don’t you appreciate your books a little more now?” She questions her laughing students.

“Fake or not, I felt completely betrayed.” Emma says with a smile.

This reporter advises you to take this as a lesson. Not everything is as it seems, and teachers will go to great extents to teach their students effectively.

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