Conspiracy Theories | Teen Ink

Conspiracy Theories

March 29, 2019
By mackennariley BRONZE, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
mackennariley BRONZE, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We will be talking about serious issues that have been discussed upon before. The following evidence will convince you how and why.  Our first theory is that the moon landing was fake. It never really happened and the only reason they faked it was so people would think that the United States are ahead of all other countries. The video was actually made on a set so that America could be ahead and nasa would continue to get funded. People have analyzed the videos from the landing and found some things that don’t make sense. For example, one reason is because flag is waving but there is no wind on mars. In addition, people think it’s fake because there are no visible stars in the photos, but there is no light pollution so there should be a lot of stars. Conspiracist believe that if NASA did truly fake it, they chose to not even try to put stars in the picture because astronomers would be able to realize they were taken by earth’s angle, rather than the moon. Nasa said they “lost” a lot of the footage, and said they “destroyed the technology” to go back to the moon. To me, all of these things just sound like a stupid way to cover up the truth.

I can promise you that you have heard of this theory before because people joke about it all the time, but now, I’m going to make you make fun of the people that make fun of the people who believe that the earth is flat. Did I confuse you? Good. So, the Earth is flat, there’s not really that much to it. Pretty much artic places sum it all up. Why do you think we are not allowed to fly over antarctica? Because it will expose the truth that the earth is flat. Also, there have been many circumstances where planes have avoided taking certain paths to get to their destination, paths that would not make sense if the Earth was round. Here is the main reason… We don’t have any real photos of the entire Earth together. Seriously. I know it sounds crazy, but every single photo of Earth that you’ve seen is just bits and pieces of the Earth photoshopped into a whole.

Now, let’s talk about chemtrails. First of all, what are chemtrails? They are lines in sky that trail behind airplanes aren’t what you think. You might be thinking, oh well obviously it’s just the plane’s smoke that is pushed out of the back, but no, not exactly.  Many people believe that the smoke is not natural, they are chemicals purposely sprayed by the government. These chemicals go in the air we breath and cause mind manipulation, disease to help population control, or to change the weather. ……  Many celebrities have talked about this conspiracy including Prince, and Kylie Jenner.

Next, we have the Mandela Effect. I can guarantee you’ve heard of this one just because it’s crazy to hear what people think about it. Just incase your uncultured and you have no idea what I’m talking about… The Mandela Effect is when a lot of people have a memory of something, but when you look back it never actually happened or it happened different then they all remembered. So, it was originated from a man named Nelson Mandela. The reason that it was named after him was because when he went to prison it was a big deal. While he was in prison, most people remembered him dying, but in reality, he died many years after being released in December of 2013. This might not sound like such a big deal to you, but millions and millions of people all had the same memory of him dying in prison.  The Mandela Effect is what it’s called when this occurs. Some very popular ones are the monopoly guy whether or not he wore a monocle. Another very popular one is that millions and millions of people believed that Pikachu has a black stripe on his tail, but it reality, it was never there. People have their own reasons for this. Some people say that they just made it up. Others say that it’s because of converging timelines which is where time-space cycles overlap. Others think it’s a time machine, a black hole, or that it is far more complicated.

The next one is based on an application called Deep Fake. You most likely don’t know what this is unless you watch Shane Dawson’s conspiracy theory videos on Youtube. If you don’t, it is  an  application used to make fake videos of people and it’s not difficult to do.  It’s very easy if you have the right person to do it. It makes it easy to do buy allowing you to put someone's face over someone else’s body, or just making a normal picture of someone talk and move.

To make this whole thing even easier, there is another application you can use to make anyone say anything. This application is way easier to use than deep fake . In this application you can train your voice and say words to in, and then after you’re voice is trained, you type in any word and it repeats it in your voice. This might sound like a fun app to play around with, but in reality it can be used in very bad ways. I mean, just think about it. Imagine someone was bored and they decided to make one of these videos telling the world that they US is under attack and that everyone should evacuate. They can easily get the camera footage and voice of Trump to say this and it could possibly turn out pretty believable. Or, in another situation, imagine that a girl caught her man cheating on her. She could frame her man and make a fake video of him beating up some random girl and make it seem like he beat someone up for no reason. In result, she could bring this to the police and he would easily be put behind bars.

Next on our list is how children's shows are brainwashing them.  You might not have noticed or cared as a child, but looking back now many childrens shows give out the wrong example. There have been many shows where main characters talk about commiting suicide and giving up in life and finding “the better way out”. There has been research of many, many shows that provide evidence of this.  Some examples of shows that have done this are in spongebob where squidward tried to kill himself multiple times. And many other very popular shows like daffy duck, bugs bunny, woody woodpecker, daisy duck, and many other cartoon episodes ending with characters killing themselves for no reason. People think the purpose of this is to put negative thoughts into children's brain early, because if a society is depressed, it is easier to control.

The next one that is very important and scary is that the government is stalking us. There is no doubt about it that the government is tracking our every move one way or another.  Many people think the government keeps data from your phone, or maybe even records you. Thousands of apps on your phone are equipped with the software Alfonzo. They, like every other app, claims to not be listening to human voices. But in all seriousness we all know what’s up. Along with that, Facebook has also created a device called Pixel. Pixel is designed to continue tracking you online even after you have left a website. This is scary because who wants to be followed and tracked by their every move? No one. I don’t really understand why the government would be interesting in what color t-shirts your searching for online, but it’s still very intimidating. Also, don’t you ever find it weird that you’ll shop on a website and then close out of the page and a few minutes later an add will pop up on another page for whatever you were looking at five minutes ago. That’s just weird. … But the thing is, they might not just be tracking us by our phones. People say, and it has been tested, that Google Homes, Alexas, Home Pods, etc are always listening. I know you’re probably wondering why they would need any of this kind of information, but imagine this… You’re fifty years old and you receive an email telling you that all of your data is being kept in a little chip and it can all be yours for just a load of cash. People would be very interested to see what they were up to years and years ago and im positive that many people would pay the money. They could also use this as blackmail. For example your a huge star now, but when you were younger, you cheated on most of your tests, but you got away with it and it never came back to you. Imagine someone having all the information that you cheated and ready to expose it with just one click… Losing all your fans and changing your life. Or they tell you that if you pay them a couple million, this will all go away and it will all be deleted. Bam! Problem solved.

In conclusion, I have just made you rethink everything you’ve ever thought and I also just exposed so many things so you’re welcome.

The author's comments:

My article describes m,any conspiracy theories and provides thorough evidence to support it. 

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